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8 Votes

Wraith king:i can do a lot of Roles Deal with it

February 28, 2014 by Raging King
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samukobo (28) | May 14, 2014 10:46pm
The lack of support Wraith King displeases me.

The guide is pretty good, but considering the ways pros are using Wraith King right now, adding and talking about his support role and capabilities is a pretty huge thing, especially to those who don't know he can support.
xAOx Eclipse | May 14, 2014 9:18pm
Bravo! I found this via. google and i tried it out on a couple limited games (yes i still consider myself a noob) and i found it really useful! However, i found that Juggernaut and Sand King are quite the kind that will feed off of you if your using Wraith King for me at least. Other than that well done! *Now if i can find the subscribe/follow button of some sort* :D
Raging King (1) | February 27, 2014 11:59am
Super Axe wrote:

Fullstops, commas and capital letters are severely needed. But good ideas so you get a +1 you semi-literate peasant ;)

haha thanks a lot about the +1 i will try to be a better peasant in the future :D
Super Axe (2) | February 26, 2014 1:52pm
Fullstops, commas and capital letters are severely needed. But good ideas so you get a +1 you semi-literate peasant ;)
Raging King (1) | February 25, 2014 12:55am
eeon wrote:

Hi! nice guide overall. I play SK a lot and here are a few notes if you insits on criticism:)

- never saw a SK mid, never, there are more capable heroes in the mid lane, and he is pretty weak in the early stages of the game, but interesting build

- never bought Battle Fury on SK, I believe he does not need the regen, and the cash would be better spent on a Desolator, the splash damage and mana regen is ok though

- if you go for a Bracer for extra stats you should turn it into Drum of Endurance it is an excellent item, gives you a bit of everything including movement and attack speed

- if you go for the Refresher Orb you absolutelly must get Shiva's Guard to fix your int problem

- the regen you get from vampiric aura is almost useless in the early game so you should not get a point early on because it will push the lane

- don't really undesrstand the second skill build, I mean you get mana boots but you don't max your only nuke first which is strange

- no Iron Branch? I mean yes, a faster Midas, a fast bottle but still, no braches?? You will need a great support my good man, maybe even 2

Now the good stuff:

- I really like the Blink Dagger SK great to close the gap to your target
- I really like Shiva's Guard the int and slow are awesome
- I like the Heaven's Halberd but it is more situational
- the items are well picked, for carry I also get armlet deso basher ac

OK that s about it. Sorry if it seems there are more bads than goods, it isn't like that, i really like it, but the good stuff it's basically common sense standard build:) +1

1-valid points all true except i said Battlefury only get it when PL is there to get rid of illusions

2-mid wraith king is made not to say he is good he is very bad but for anyone who wants to try to mid wraith king this is a good way to go (because no one can say he is good at mid because it's just not)

3- refresher is more than enough to do the combo with the build i just did because i tried it the

4-vampiric regen will be most useful when there is much harrass believe me every HP will count (still you have a point here)

5- as far as the arcane boots go i made it so you can always have enough mana for your Reincarnation since a tank must have his mana ready espacilly if his tankiness lies on his ulti

thanks for your comment and for your +1 to the guide i really appreciate it and you have some good points
eeon (6) | February 24, 2014 8:52am
Hi! nice guide overall. I play SK a lot and here are a few notes if you insits on criticism:)

- never saw a SK mid, never, there are more capable heroes in the mid lane, and he is pretty weak in the early stages of the game, but interesting build

- never bought Battle Fury on SK, I believe he does not need the regen, and the cash would be better spent on a Desolator, the splash damage and mana regen is ok though

- if you go for a Bracer for extra stats you should turn it into Drum of Endurance it is an excellent item, gives you a bit of everything including movement and attack speed

- if you go for the Refresher Orb you absolutelly must get Shiva's Guard to fix your int problem

- the regen you get from vampiric aura is almost useless in the early game so you should not get a point early on because it will push the lane

- don't really undesrstand the second skill build, I mean you get mana boots but you don't max your only nuke first which is strange

- no Iron Branch? I mean yes, a faster Midas, a fast bottle but still, no braches?? You will need a great support my good man, maybe even 2

Now the good stuff:

- I really like the Blink Dagger SK great to close the gap to your target
- I really like Shiva's Guard the int and slow are awesome
- I like the Heaven's Halberd but it is more situational
- the items are well picked, for carry I also get armlet deso basher ac

OK that s about it. Sorry if it seems there are more bads than goods, it isn't like that, i really like it, but the good stuff it's basically common sense standard build:) +1
Raging King (1) | February 24, 2014 5:13am
Gnomjolnir wrote:

Please, add some punctuation.
I'm begging you.

full actions is done thanks to your comment the guide looks better now i added colors and some punctuation thanks for making the guide better
Raging King (1) | February 24, 2014 3:03am
thanks for reaching 500 views on this guide i will update it soon with new roles
Raging King (1) | February 24, 2014 3:02am
dominus_10 wrote:

so to avoid such thing to happen, you can kill those annoying pain in the *** first ( Nyx Assassin, Invoker which doesn't take too much time then you can reincarnate up to your heart content.

yep thats right too getting rid of the mana burners and you are good
dominus_10 | February 23, 2014 11:59pm
Raging King wrote:

yeep it can happen but you will really need mana management since refresher alone is 450 mana but it can happen i tried it but you dont need any hero with mana drain because you will have no mana for the refresher combo thanks for comment

so to avoid such thing to happen, you can kill those annoying pain in the *** first ( Nyx Assassin, Invoker which doesn't take too much time then you can reincarnate up to your heart content.
Raging King (1) | February 23, 2014 11:48pm
Shpitzick wrote:

Refresher seemed so stupid at first, but now I understand it can work quite well with arcane+soul ring tough you will still have serious mana issues and it requires very careful mana management. But it can work. I like the idea.

yeep it can happen but you will really need mana management since refresher alone is 450 mana but it can happen i tried it but you dont need any hero with mana drain because you will have no mana for the refresher combo thanks for comment
Raging King (1) | February 23, 2014 11:46pm
Gnomjolnir wrote:

Please, add some punctuation.
I'm begging you.

mm ok i am still new to the guide thing but i will try thanks for comment
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