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Work In Progress (A Guide on Alt build Kunkka)

January 24, 2015 by Chaotic Penguin
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caine1232 (3) | January 24, 2015 1:29pm
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

so, you call my mechanics ****, try to falsify my math, derivate meanings out of my post, and i am getting aggressive?

I mentioned 100-150 health lost, not 150, because you will most likely be hit 3-4 times when going high-ground,this is a very conservative estimate as the average mid-laner deals 50 attack damage at an average.

There is absolutely no way that you can farm the lane without pushing it as there is no way to remove tidebringer (even denying doesn't remove that filthy ****er.)And if i'm not wrong,kunkka is a farming mid-hero, so i don't see how your lane will be pushed in :)

Do I have to explain once again? If your creeps are fighting enemy creeps on higground, he has to last hit too so he can't harras you much.
This next thigns proves to me you have no idea how to lane/play kunkka.
There is a way to farm and not push the lane. It's called angling yourself so you don't tidebringer the creeps.
You know you can push in the mid lane too? I guess your last sentence was an error of somekind.
caine1232 (3) | January 24, 2015 1:23pm
Dimonychan wrote:

Yeah caine is right it still works I just had the wrong timings.

And by the way Kunkka will not win the matchup so easily against decent opponents that will dodge his abilities until level 5 where cd is too low to dodge everything. On the other points I agree with cairne(except BF duh).

That's what I said, you kill at 6, you don't really want to spend much mana before that.
Bfury gives you what you need, both mana and hp regen and since you are looking for late game it let's you farm a LOT in combination with tidebringer.
Dimonychan (43) | January 24, 2015 11:19am
Yeah caine is right it still works I just had the wrong timings.

And by the way Kunkka will not win the matchup so easily against decent opponents that will dodge his abilities until level 5 where cd is too low to dodge everything. On the other points I agree with cairne(except BF duh).
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 24, 2015 9:46am
so, you call my mechanics ****, try to falsify my math, derivate meanings out of my post, and i am getting aggressive?

I mentioned 100-150 health lost, not 150, because you will most likely be hit 3-4 times when going high-ground,this is a very conservative estimate as the average mid-laner deals 50 attack damage at an average.


If the lane is really pushed you wait untill all your creeps die, your creeps won't kill any of enemy creeps (MAYBE 1).

There is absolutely no way that you can farm the lane without pushing it as there is no way to remove tidebringer (even denying doesn't remove that filthy ****er.)And if i'm not wrong,kunkka is a farming mid-hero, so i don't see how your lane will be pushed in :)
caine1232 (3) | January 24, 2015 9:23am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

  • See? now you are just acting like an obnoxious ****.I the discussion currently going on is about bounty runes, and if you post on it and say that my logic is inferior and my game mechanics are ****, it generally means that you disagree with my calculations about the runing (which you quoted by the way) and you would want to give examples countering that logic.Fair enough
  • read my post.Read it.I have NEVER written that you will miss out on a 1000 gold.I edited it right away with new calculations which showed that you were right in theory.You would have known if you cared.
  • if you really think that you are going to lane against a phantom assassin or the elk of mid-laners anywhere above the trench, you are severely mistaken.As you quoted my post and wrote the **** that I just quoted now, you do realize that all of them have more burst and more mobility than you do.don't you?
  • "Worst case scenario=you bottle crow" after it was nerfed to the ground to make it much much more difficult as it takes a little less than a full minute to do a round.This is because bottle slows courier down to a measly movement speed of 300, and the distance between the base and t3 is approximately 6300 dota - meters.
  • do you even listen to what you are saying? just try and go uphill as a melee hero and farm creeps against any competent mid-laner.Just try.

you try to take a rune that is not meant for mid-laners (apart from the first rune).

You expect the mid-laners to be favorable to to you.

You expect to go into enemy high-ground and last-hit,Something kunkka has problems with even when he is not on high-ground (every melee mid does).you are loosing 100-150 health every time you go high-ground for last hitting, making you easy prey for ganks. Kunkka can't do **** if he is being ganked by two people as at the most, he can use torrent on one guy.

You won't listen to my arguements.You say stuff like ," If you are stronger than the enemy mid".seriously what the ****.You do get that Kunkka gets kited as easily as a Sven right?And you very conveniently refused to reply to my last paragraph just to prolong the arguement.

Stop talking as if you are superior.None of us are.That is what makes this community so unique, we don't judge people on their "game mechanics" or "game sense".We don't judge them at all.I hope you understand the point i'm trying to make.

I have 80 games on kunkka and 60 % winrate, he is pretty much my best hero.
Any decent Kunkka should win/do the the same as enemy mid pretty much against anyone except QOP, OD Huskar, Viper and razor (no one does good vs those heroes). At lvl 6 with a little patience you can kill anyone without an escape mechanism easily (huskar is hard to kill too). After that kill, you just dominate the lane and kill the enemy every time boat is off cd.
I don't know how you manage to lose 150 hp when last hitting on highground (explain this to me please), I have no problems with that. I'm not planning on making a guide on last hitting because it's hard to explain it via text. If the lane is really pushed you wait untill all your creeps die, your creeps won't kill any of enemy creeps (MAYBE 1). If you are just on the enemy highground, you last hit normally, you just have to watch out not to take tower agro. (enemy player has to last hit too you know? He can't harras you properly without losing gold.)
You have no problems last hitting because you harras him just by last hitting and he will never be at full HP, so taking some harras from him isn't too bad because you will both have a little less HP.

I have no idea why you got so agressive man, I'm just correcting you and giving you some advice.

It seems to me you haven't played kunkka a lot and you have no idea about the hero.
caine1232 (3) | January 24, 2015 5:22am

I'll try it sometime before I put it in.

Thanks anyways.

Battlefury is going back in, I tried it again.
It's great.

You should have never removed it, the guide was just fine before the changes.
Chaotic Penguin | January 24, 2015 4:56am
I'll try it sometime before I put it in.

Thanks anyways.

Battlefury is going back in, I tried it again.
It's great.
caine1232 (3) | January 24, 2015 4:08am
Dimonychan wrote:

Strangely, I have tried to do that in lobby for like 8 times trying slightly different timings and it didn't work for me - creeps were lifted in the air at :00, but new camp didn't appear. Maybe I should try again.

The timing is really specfic, I play a lot of kunkka so i learnt it but it's really hard and takes a while.
Dimonychan (43) | January 24, 2015 2:15am
caine1232 wrote:

I did it in a game 2 days ago, it works but the timing is really hard it's not x:57 but midish x:57

Strangely, I have tried to do that in lobby for like 8 times trying slightly different timings and it didn't work for me - creeps were lifted in the air at :00, but new camp didn't appear. Maybe I should try again.
caine1232 (3) | January 24, 2015 2:03am
Dimonychan wrote:

It doesn't work anymore( Torrent stacking, though it was not in patch notes, I tested it just a week ago). Still, you can do a double-spawn if you cast it on :52-53 and if you have rune secured by a support you can just manually stack the camp. Only worth doing for Radiant though, Dire jungle is quite far, and you better tack hard camp cause medium may(and 100% will) contain golems.

I did it in a game 2 days ago, it works but the timing is really hard it's not x:57 but midish x:57
Dimonychan (43) | January 23, 2015 10:21pm
caine1232 wrote:

Also Penguin, bring back the battlefury there is absolouetly nothhing wrong with it, it let's you farm all the stuff you need (blink+crits) and it also gives you regen and a lot of dmg for tidebringer. Your item build was just fine.

One more thing, add a bit on torrent stacking. If you torrent at mid xx:57 you can stack camps! Useful because torrent has a huge range and you can easily stack radiant hard and medium camp and hard dire camp. (depending on which side you are)

It doesn't work anymore( Torrent stacking, though it was not in patch notes, I tested it just a week ago). Still, you can do a double-spawn if you cast it on :52-53 and if you have rune secured by a support you can just manually stack the camp. Only worth doing for Radiant though, Dire jungle is quite far, and you better tack hard camp cause medium may(and 100% will) contain golems.
Kyphoid returns (42) | January 23, 2015 10:09pm
I know it sucked.
Now you shouldn't back down from this guide. The current one
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