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Witch Doctor by mat. [pub]

January 26, 2016 by mat.
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mat. | September 2, 2015 1:45pm
hey, thanks for comment.
- first I do agree with second point Voodoo Restoration is mentioned already.
- I tested Glimmer Cape its cheap to buy BUT, it has huge fadetime (for this kind of low hp hero), and costs ton of mana to use, I would not recommend it to "shadowblade" kind of players, if u know what I mean ;-)
- I will test medallion I havent been using it, it sounds reasonable.

I dont plan making guide larger, If I get more experiences I will structure it more and ad more details along patches, 5k rule is more than enough.

anyway I almost at the 600th WD match and I am still learning,

thanks for hints again I hope it will get me better

*edit: ok ..custom games proved glimer cape works for me too:-) I will give it extra time to test in pub

*edit 2016-01:
ok now at 530 wins on wd
ChiChi (47) | August 31, 2015 3:41pm

- Add Glimmer Cape on the regular core. It's better than Shadow Blade for the hero anyday, since besides being cheaper you can also use it on allies and you have the extra magical resistence.
- Consider getting a point in Voodoo Restoration earlier, even if you do not max it out. Having a heal to use in those early squirmishes can be the difference between losing and winning a teamfight. Edit: I see that Sando suggested the same, and I agree.
- Consider getting a Medallion of Courage/ Solar Crest, it's really synergetic with your ultimate and you can use it do give miss and less armor to an enemy or more armor and evasion to an ally.

Continue working at your guide, as it is it's still not a +1 because its very short/not very well explained, but I see it getting better and better :)
mat. | December 9, 2014 7:09am
yes, those two items sounds quite weird, they are not core and were result of extra money, may be invested for survive-ability into Vanguard, than trying not to waste it, into Crimson Guard, Aim was straighten team with spent money, similar goes to Assault Cuirass aura effect, that was the idea of the support guide not to spend for personal benefit if wd gets lots of kills but for team strength.
I added few more items into optional lategame list.
Bunkansee (32) | December 9, 2014 6:18am
I don't really think Shadow Blade is very good on WD.

BKB is so much better, protection from your ult being interrupted, protection from magic damage nukes and burst (which is a big weakness of Witch Doctor).

Shadow Blade is also one of the most easily countered items in the game, it's countered by a 180 gold consumable Dust of Appearance which I can guarantee will be bought immediately after your Shadow Blade has been used once. (if you're playing against decent players that is).

I dunno, my personal preference, I think Shadow Blade is pretty bad on many heroes. You can actually do a similar trick on Crystal Maiden, where you can go invisible while channeling Freezing Field but you pretty much would never do it.

I am a little confused about item choices though. Assault Cuirass and Crimson Guard

Seems a pretty good guide though, although I think you need to explain you item choices a little better.
mat. | December 9, 2014 5:25am
hello, its s beginers-simple guide, nothing advanced, just for FUN pub,
everyone watched a bit of purgeGamers, they are the best fullgame commentary no offence there ;-)

-thats nice idea with clarity + heal, but you will have to stay out of sight, which can work if you comunicate, but this is pubGame aim, thank you for numbers though I learned something :)
Sando (118) | December 9, 2014 5:25am
Not bad guide, agree with most of the skill and item choices, although I would also consider:

Urn of Shadows or Medallion of Courage - most increase your survivability, mana regen and utility somewhat.

Black King Bar - toughens you up, and guarantees you can channel your ult against most lineups.

I also wouldn't write off a level of Voodoo Restoration early on - it's very cost effective. You can heal 260 HP to yourself and nearby allies for the cost of 1 Clarity.

For example, a set of Tango heals 115 * 4 = 460 heal for 125g (3.68 heal per gold)

Voodoo Restoration at level 1 with 1 Clarity heals 260 for 50g (5.2 heal per gold) for a single hero - or 520 for 2 heroes, 780 for 3 heroes etc.

I'd be tempted to drop a branch or two in favour of more clarities, and it can be worth changing your skilling depending on the lane.
Unscathed (47) | December 9, 2014 5:01am
Would mind explaining the item choices? Why you get cuirass, crimson, atos, and also the other items like linkens, and aghs.

Don't watch "famous" ******** gameplay commentary for hours, rather try it out with bots, or contact me for some pub game.

What? Yeah, you get bored easily, right? But gameplay commentaries are the best way to advance. They can explain item choices, decision making and stuff.

If you are new, I totally recommend watching PurgeGamers since he helped me at my newbie phase. And also pro streams and tournament games.
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