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18 Votes

Wisp carries with Dagon WTF!

July 30, 2012 by Jonathan Hancock
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kurtthecobain | August 15, 2013 6:44pm
VVish wrote:

Too bad there is no really usefull guides for wisp as mid\carry hero. Almost nobody understand his true potential.

That's because he's the hardest support in the game, and there's nothing in his skill build that points toward him being good as a carry. His stat gain is abysmal, his movement speed is a joke, none of his skills scale, his steroid is severely self-crippling. He has NEGATIVE starting armor for christ's sake. Playing wisp as a carry is just idiotic.

VVish wrote:

You say, that ~300 pure damage twice - is small? Have you ever tried to use your spirits, levitate into the forest, ask your budyy to simply run into your enemies, tether him, stunning enemies and unloading your spirits-cargo in them, then CASTING THEM again, for ENOTHER 300 damage?

He doesn't have a pure damage skill. His spirits don't even do 300 damage, it's 125/250/375/500. Stop pulling random numbers out of your ***.
VVish wrote:

Midding wisp is just the best option you can get - he farms madly due to his attack animation, bottle gives him ability to spam wisps, eating pack of creeps just in one click, and his best, most imba potential - early 6 lvl, when you can simply relocate at any line and take out any enemy.

Have fun last hitting with 46 damage, and staying in lane against phys damage with 0 armor. How exactly will you eat a pack of creeps with one click?
None of your statements make any sense, go back to LoL.
VVish | October 19, 2012 4:13pm
Too bad there is no really usefull guides for wisp as mid\carry hero. Almost nobody understand his true potential.

Read this guide with soft interest till saw remark about "suicide top line and useless Necrolyte". Than read carefully next phrases and saw... Spirits lvl3 "very small damage".
You say, that ~300 pure damage twice - is small? Have you ever tried to use your spirits, levitate into the forest, ask your budyy to simply run into your enemies, tether him, stunning enemies and unloading your spirits-cargo in them, then CASTING THEM again, for ENOTHER 300 damage?

Midding wisp is just the best option you can get - he farms madly due to his attack animation, bottle gives him ability to spam wisps, eating pack of creeps just in one click, and his best, most imba potential - early 6 lvl, when you can simply relocate at any line and take out any enemy.
Bottle is extremely usefull when you tehter your budyy, 'cause you gave him huge 'mout of mana he can use.
The Kraken | August 2, 2012 5:07am
Necrolyte is most certainly not useless -.-
Sarcy (27) | August 2, 2012 3:58am
p0ip0i wrote:

just a little thing for Sarcyn, did you read the title, this wisp doesn't play as a support, he carrys !

Which is wrong. Hence my post.
p0ip0i | August 1, 2012 11:21pm
just a little thing for Sarcyn, did you read the title, this wisp doesn't play as a support, he carrys !
Sarcy (27) | July 31, 2012 5:48pm

I always get over 10 kills and over 10 assists with Dagon.

As a support you should be worrying about getting your carry and team-mates fed. Not yourself.


In the Urn first I get negative kill death ratio, and it doesnt work with tether.

Wrong, as long as you have less than full hp and maintain less than full hp (i.e. Overcharge) you will heal team-mates with Urn as long as you use it on yourself while Tethered to a partner.

Source: Lots of experience.

Your K/D as a Support is irrelevant if you Support your team through to a win. You could be 0/11/22 and it would be perfectly fine.
Jonathan Hancock (2) | July 31, 2012 2:20pm
I compared my games from Dagon Wisp to Urn and Mek,
I always get over 10 kills and over 10 assists with Dagon.

In the Urn first I get negative kill death ratio, and it doesnt work with tether.
tommyg99hhh | July 31, 2012 6:37am
Tried Dagon on Wisp and it actually worked great.+1 from me a very interesting take on a unique hero
xCO2 (72) | July 30, 2012 7:11pm
I'll give this guide a thumbs up for innovation, and thank you for not leveling overcharge early. Overall a good guide, can't vouch for the play style or the item build though. +1


You have the option to allow multiple builds, use them, don't clutter one build with 500 items.

Dominator should be removed.

Wall of text too bland, add some color and spacing.
Hades4u (296) | July 30, 2012 3:23pm
Pretty cool guide, you've got a positive vote from me :) Keep up the good work!
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