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January 24, 2013 by MomCK
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Build 1
Build 2
Build 3

Aggressive Combo Build

DotA2 Hero: Io

Hero Skills

Sight Seer (Innate)


1 3 5 7


2 4 9 10


8 12 13 14


6 11 16


15 17 18


January 24, 2013


Welcome to my first guide ever. Wisp is a really fun and versatile hero, that can have a great impact on the game from the very first minute to the last.


    Paired with some certain heroes, namely
Chaos Knight, Tiny, Sven and Riki, you will stomp pubgames if you can execute. If you play with one of those heroes the playstyle and the item choices will be different, to when you decide to pick wisp for a full support (or full ganker ;) in some random pubgame.

    In this guide I will first focus on the diffrent WispCombos I played and second on the hero in general. So after the Skill and Item explanation I will go in more detail, how to team up with your carry in the best possible way. After that I will talk about playing Wisp in general.

    For learning wisp I would recommend to play one of these combos with a friend, communicating over a headset. This will be the most easiest way and fun will be ensured. To have the best of it you would have another support in the team, because the whole team will profit if you don't buy the courier and can go for a very fast soul ring.

    Oh yes
Soul Ring.

This item, combined with a tether, combined wit a hero like Chaos Knight who lacks mana, but has a skill like Reality Rift and insane base dmg, will give you the opportunity to farm heroes instead of creeps from 5 minutes on in the game.

But Wisp has so much more potential, that this guide can only be a work in progress.

So the
    First item and skill build will be for when you play one of those named combos and want to get aggressive very early on.

    The Second skill build is when you want to delay your aggression and you carry wants to farm the first 5 to 8 minutes savely.

    The third Skill Build will manely focus on the diffrent item purchases you will do when you play wisp without a fixed combination.



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