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64 Votes

[WIP] The Crit Happy Girl : Phantom Assassin Guide by IndoPr0

August 19, 2012 by IndoPr0
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lintang88 | April 5, 2015 7:30am
Are you Indonesian
cause i am..
LowPriorityStomper | March 12, 2015 5:40am
easy to get tired of this hero. only takes a few games
malinda2nd | March 12, 2014 2:19am
warmongerer wrote:

Why not add Yasha (or Butterfly if the game goes that long)? a higher attack speed means more damage and a higher chance of getting a crit while in a fight. If there is something wrong with this strategy please tell me.

Couse Mortred gains 3.15 agility per level and also skill phantom strike give Mortred 100 aspd for 4 the focus on attack speed items is generally unnecessary.
malinda2nd | March 2, 2014 4:08pm
a nice Build. although i pick phantom strike at level 3 but.
warmongerer | September 15, 2013 9:59pm
Why not add Yasha (or Butterfly if the game goes that long)? a higher attack speed means more damage and a higher chance of getting a crit while in a fight. If there is something wrong with this strategy please tell me.
origin_xs | August 19, 2013 5:36pm
your aim should be to farm the battle fury early and keep boots as it is...once u have battle fury go for phase boots or power treds(really comes down to personal preference),the go for helm of the dominator(better than vlads in most cases as pa is squishy and a lategame upgrade to satanic is of immense help),then bkb.however if u think the enemy team has a lot of disables or nukes then its always preferable to go bkb,depends on enemy lineup,after that an abyssal is always a nice idea.
Sp12 (25) | March 3, 2013 7:11am
Depends on your matchmaking level and the enemy's team composition. PA has very high armor from her natural agility growth as well as evasion from blur, so her physical HP is actually quite impressive. On the other hand she has really poor strength gain, so magic damage tears her apart. As soon as she blinks on someone without BKB a support will stun her hopefully into chainstun. For most of the game two (competitively picked) supports have enough burst to blow her up with magic damage, so BKB is pretty important.

If the enemy has like one stun and one BKB penetrating ultimate I would definitely not bother. Depends on the game.

If you finish your battlefury before upgrading boots you should probably just go for treads. Tread switching is really strong on PA given her low intelligence stat, and the +30 IAS definitely outclasses phase's +24 damage if you have a Battlefury for +damage. It's not like PA has issues being kited between dagger and phantom strike. Tread switching is also really good since you build wand on her and have a +regen item in battlefury.
Kilqax | March 3, 2013 1:32am
I like this guide, but i don't understand, why do you use BKB, i never had to use it.
I also often finish my BF before phase boots for quick farming.
Still, this is a really good guide. +1
MMPH | April 13, 2016 8:22am
Bkb is a great item, once activated they cnat stun you and silence and stuff for 10 sec
E1Mariachi | February 10, 2013 3:24am
Real nice guide... just used it again in a match against real bad dps team and easiliy outfarmed and raped them, and this is including scary and imba opponents like Viper / Drow. This guide gives u essentially the info needed, the only way straight . (+)
EvilDevil06 | February 9, 2013 8:40am

I did 2 RAMPAGE in 2 match using this build ! :D

Enyxx | January 20, 2013 10:12pm
You use phase boots because it gives you decent damages AND movement speed early, if you have quick heros with sprint ability or under pressure of ganks it can save your life !
But i buy them after my bkb in most cases if i had a decent early.

The BKB allow me to push lanes really quickly and to clean jungle in 1 minute, which mean that you have your vlad after 2-3min in the jungle ;) Also, the dmg bonus from the BKB is quite good and if you have good ennemies, i think more damage, and aoe damage are way more important than a lifesteal.

This is my opinion, and i'm not a dota pro, so maybe i'm wrong ...
The Silent | January 16, 2013 11:45am
Why would you put in phase boots? Pa doesn't need the chase and treads give you more dps. Also there's realy no reason to get bkb before vlad or hotd. Lifesteal gives you way more survivability than a few seconds of magic immunity. The item build here is pretty much a rehash of the default items build, which is pretty much pointless.
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