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15 Votes

Winter Wyvern, the lovely lady dragon [6.84]

July 24, 2016 by ChiChi
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ChiChi (47) | January 8, 2016 9:23am
guicpv wrote:

I'm actually looking forward to this being updated to 6.86 ^^
I'd definitely add Legion Commander in as food, since Winter Wyvern is her hard counter. Also, Pudge is double-edged, he crushes Cold Embrace, but you burn his HP and have a long range to somewhat help against hooks.

Thanks for your kind words! And you're absolutely right, I will add your suggestions! :D I need to make some time for updating my guides, they are all completely outdated now =/
guicpv | January 8, 2016 2:39am
I'm actually looking forward to this being updated to 6.86 ^^
I'd definitely add Legion Commander in as food, since Winter Wyvern is her hard counter. Also, Pudge is double-edged, he crushes Cold Embrace, but you burn his HP and have a long range to somewhat help against hooks.
ChiChi (47) | November 6, 2015 9:43am

Enjoyed reading to this guide. Very explanatory and comfortable. Love the font colors for emphasis, the pictures, etc. :D You're my idol ChibiChibi!

Ahah thanks for the nice comments! Club of CM fans go go :D
Rylon Crestfall | November 6, 2015 12:02am
Enjoyed reading to this guide. Very explanatory and comfortable. Love the font colors for emphasis, the pictures, etc. :D You're my idol ChibiChibi!
Tirolone | September 8, 2015 1:23pm
yup, it took me long enough to read the guide. I'll try Winter Wyvern now, at last hehe
and yup, great guide!
and yuppp, +1 from me!
ChiChi (47) | August 10, 2015 3:49pm
Bunkansee wrote:

Sorry for not commenting sooner!

Great guide that looks beautiful as always, I can't give much insight on the skill build, but the guild is very well explained and easy to read.

Great job!


Bunkan, when are you coming to the Winter side of the Force? I'm sure you will be good with her, besides she's sooo funny and supportive :)
ChiChi (47) | August 10, 2015 3:48pm
Yukosss wrote:

i want to mention something that i just found out a few days ago, that the range of splinter blast and cold embrace are incredibly hugeeeee. and i think treads is an amazing boots option for her to apply his burn to 5 enemies and an optional tread switching. otherwise +1 good guide !

I don't like Power Treads because of my already so explained preferred playstyle with WW, but still they are an option - she's a flexible hero, I've seen all Boots in her by now, to be honest.

And yeah, the ranges are awesome :) I'm not sure I didn't mention it, but if I didn't I will! Thanks!
ChiChi (47) | August 10, 2015 3:45pm

All your avoid picking section is remedied if you buy glimmer cape and a force staff.

Wyvern right now is a real strong pick just cause the insane regen she has and winter curse still being one of the better ultimates out there.

Be sure to focus on this.

I agree that you don't have to bother with the counterpicks if you're a skilled player with the basic items, but as many new people come here for guides I thought "better safe than sorry", that is, better write as for experienced players but also leave this section for the unexperienced, so they don't do killing Cold Embraces all the time :)

Also, WW is a very strong pick indeed, as I think TI5 has proved! I will point that out better in the guide, thank you.
ChiChi (47) | August 10, 2015 3:41pm
Timminatorr wrote:

BTW that is the only thing i find a bit lacking from the guide, that she is actually surprisingly strong at ganking because of Arctic Burn. even solo when you have 1 hero in that lane who can follow up with a slow/stun/damage of their own.
You can suddenly appear from unexpected angles, cross cliffs and trees, and use a VERY long range slow/DOT on the enemy.

I think this video showcases that well, it is another wyvern played by PPD in dotapit.

Thanks, you're absolutely right! She's a great roaming support, with lots of killing potential, and I didn't stress that out. Will do so now.
ChiChi (47) | August 10, 2015 3:40pm
Safecyn wrote:

Noice, noice. +1 from me.

Incidentally, did you know that you can use Force Staff on a target that you've used Winter's Curse on to try and push them into their teammates and get a better disable? It's not always worth it if you've got a lot of follow up that's already on top of the enemy, but it's a pretty COOL skillshot if you can make it work. ICE COLD even.

I hate you.


You're right, as always (both of you)! I forgot to stress this trick, along with the moving of ice blocks. Will do.
ChiChi (47) | August 10, 2015 3:36pm
Hey guys! ChiChi here, finally answering all your awesome comments.

As I noted some trends, I will try to answer them all in just this comment, and then will address individual points as we move along:
  • The great combo Force Staff + Glimmer Cape on your teammates under Cold Embrace: I thought I had it down somewhere, but after all I didn't!! Thanks for pointing it out. It's one of the reasons why I think this build works so well.

  • The skill build: This is my standard preferred build, in a game that goes reasonably well, because of the killing/saving/ganking potential of Arctic Burn. Of course there are exceptions, and alternative builds. I will think of a way of including these. The reason why I prefer Arctic Burn over Splinter Blast is the fact that I play WW mostly as a baby-sitter on the ez lane/roamer support, so I want it to have less cooldown, more range and more move speed slow asap, whereas I don’t care about the damage and less move speed slow until I get out of lanes and start pushing/farming alone – that is, around level 10. The fact that it does not scale well into the late game it’s not a reason to pick it up earlier, IMO, since I don’t use as a nuke but purely as an “utility” ability (for the slow in multiple heroes and when Arctic Burn is on cooldown, and for the mentioned pushing/farming). Also, this means I don’t like to have a Soul Ring to be spamming; I get better results going for the poor build ( Boots of Speed into Wand plus Observer Wards and the like) until I get enough money for the Arcane Boots, which solve most mana issues until later and give utility for the team. Of course, all of this is a matter of opinion/playstyle, so I could have said “this is my way of playing WW, which I’m sharing with you now” :) I will try to think how I can adapt this guide to show other options, although that was not my initial intention (there are already nice guides out there that propose different builds).

    Timminatorr summarized it perfectly for me: “the thing with Splinter Blast is that yes it scales nice, but if you are just constantly roaming around the map and using Arctic Burn, then the cooldown and manacost reduction, range and slow increase are much more useful. so it really depends on the game that your playing. Splinter blast can just be hard to get off, so when you want to set up kills and dont need more damage because others bring it that can be the better skillbuild.

    This is my playstyle. Other playstyles probably benefit more from Splinter Blast. And both builds can be seen in pro games.

    Also, I agree with L0bstz0r in that I may want to use Splinter Blast against a melee opponent, to mess up his farm; however, most times that messes up my carry and my lane equilibrium as well, and it leaves me with less mana, so it’s highly situational. The same goes for michimatsch reference to Cold Embrace – besides the point in it for the utility, you may want to have it maxed asap if you’re facing a very hard/physical lane.

And now to the individual answers! :)
ChiChi (47) | July 23, 2015 3:45pm
Thank you all for you nice comments!

I definitely have to make time this week to properly update the guide =(
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