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6 Votes

Winter Comes! - A Guide to Winter Wyvern

February 11, 2015 by Blubbles
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EmeraldMoth | January 10, 2017 9:10pm
WW is a she i'm pretty sure, also eye of skadi, moon shard, and mekansm/arcane boot combo is good for support
Blubbles (13) | February 15, 2015 3:48pm
lampmaster wrote:

WW is squishy, slow, and slightly mana hungry. To counteract these weaknesses, would it be viable to build the arcane boots into a Bloodstone and the leftover brown boots into tranquil boots? This would provide WW with mana regeneration, movement speed, and a little extra armor making her much more sustainable overall.

Building arcanes into blood isn't a bad idea, but with Euls you really have all the mana you need. If you do go down this path I'd probably get Travel Boots over tranquils because CE gives you a lot of heal already and you can spam it now that you have bloodstone

Euls really gives you everything you need as it gives movement speed, mana, and a tornado you can use to take up time if CE is on cooldown.

For additional movement speed try Manta Style late game. I don't know if arctic burn illusions work, but even so, having extra attack speed with arctic burn can't hurt.
lampmaster | November 19, 2014 6:31am
WW is squishy, slow, and slightly mana hungry. To counteract these weaknesses, would it be viable to build the arcane boots into a Bloodstone and the leftover brown boots into tranquil boots? This would provide WW with mana regeneration, movement speed, and a little extra armor making her much more sustainable overall.
Guip147 | August 18, 2014 1:06pm
nice guide only thing missing imo is wht items i shodnt buy
Moodkill (9) | August 15, 2014 7:08pm
Wow winter wyvern looks insane, nice guide though
Cuttleboss (28) | August 14, 2014 10:20am
Ah, good, if short guide. You've got me all excited for her coming to Dota2 so I can try the Shadow Blade build. I never did so when I played Dota 1. I usually went Necro or Euls.
Blubbles (13) | August 14, 2014 9:04am
Well this is based off of DotA 1's Winter Wyvern, so I expect that there will be a Agh's Upgrade and changes to him as he gets closer to being put in the game.
BrecMadak | August 14, 2014 3:03am
+0.25 second increase in each Winter's Curse levelling still looks like a lackluster to me considering its an ultimate actuallyy. I wonder a scepter upgrade would ever be made available for WW. Also will the ultimate ever bypass BKB ?

Good early guide, but better to wait a little longer to appreciate I think.
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