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37 Votes

Windrunner - The Shy Carry

January 5, 2012 by Aeneas#161783
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bigfatbuddha | January 20, 2015 6:35am
hey i like addding eye of skadi on this build it stacks with your ulty + the attributes boost\
apaz (17) | November 28, 2014 1:02pm
Okay, so begin rant.

Although Windrunner has high starting intelligence, a mask start on any hero is almost never done, other than the occasional soul ring rush on techies or the like. You would be better off getting 1-2 clarities, as the mask can be purchased at the side shop. Also, you aren't bringing enough regen, especially for soloing a lane. You simply can't so that if someone aggressively trades with you. This is a carry build however, but I've found that wherever you're going, exept mid because bottle, tango salve is best.

My second point is when to get Helm of the Dominator. It can really accelerate your farm by stacking with Dominate. You should get it early, because, if you're paying attention to the clock, the earlier you get it the more it pays off. That's only the first side to the coin, however. Lifesteal becomes more and more useful the later the game goes. Try and balance the coin.

My third point is Aghanim's Scepter. It's often overlooked on Windruner, but it makes her a beast with a Maelstrom or Mjolnr. When you start chaining lightning 1-2 times a second, hilarious things start happening. It also helps you clear your HotD stacks. Aghanim's MKB gets funny too. Truestrike is good for any ranged carry, and that 30% chance to deal 100 damage sure gets big when you have max attack speed. Lastly +150 on each attack with Rapier is nothing to scoff at. It's really good on her.

Now, to what I don't like. Blademail, really? When you have no health to work with it's almost worthless. It isn't even good for survivability. As far as Radiance goes, if you want to accelerate your farming speed, buy Maelstrom. Other people have talked about Shadowblade. You already have so much escape in Windrun + Phase + Force. I just want to say, however, that the best way to use Lothar's is offensively. Still, If you want a ganking item, buy a Blink or a Force. Remember that UAMs don't stack with each other, exept for Lifesteal + Skadi. Diffusal and Desolator are both really good items on Windrunner, and are situational. Max attack speed + Feedback = Mana gets up and walks away. I like Orchid too, but it's situational, actually for when you're behind so that you can snipe last hits with Powershot. It continues to be useful into the endgame too. Force should take priority, however. Lastly, please save Deadalus for end game(right before Rapier). Personally, I sometimes build Linken's too. It gives you way more survivability than Blademail.

End rant.
depparted (3) | July 5, 2013 10:48am
Get a lothar's... I'm not joking, it works incredibly well with WR
Whitedragon77 | May 28, 2013 5:10pm
i disagree with all of you in one point, one, yes, the windrunner skill to support is really good, but as carry she can slam out every single AA carry hero in the game, have 99.99999999% of chances to never get into any important dota 2 tournament, so dont come here to talk about how does the tournament players 3d, windrunner as carry doesnt needs to build full damage, you can build attack speed and you wont be ruining the hero, you need to focus onto On-hit effects, like mjollnir, basher,Monkey King Bar, and all that stuff, but just remember, if you know how to do it, all the builds are able to work, see ya guys
Scammi | August 24, 2012 3:05pm
I had a lot of fun playing this build, thank you.
Mullins | April 14, 2012 4:05am
Squirrel#173132 | January 12, 2012 8:28pm
Thanks mate, good work.
LuvLes (32) | January 12, 2012 9:10am

I don't get so satanic stacks with mjollnir?

Mjolnir stacks with any other Orb effect, as long as the carrier is ranged. It has always been this way, originally thought to be a bug, but eventually became part of the game and was never 'fixed.'
Squirrel#173132 | January 12, 2012 5:43am
I don't get so satanic stacks with mjollnir?
PubStomper | January 5, 2012 12:52pm
Hey I tried this and it actually works, who'd have thunk it. Nice job. +1
Aeneas#161783 (4) | January 4, 2012 11:55am
I have updated the build. I prioritize force staff over shadow blade and have changed it accordinly.

P.S. The divine rapier is a somewhat running joke that has been going on since dota. You should look up some old windrunner builds, most of them have her getting the divine rapier as the last item. Although if you do get very good with her and get your farm up to the 300 hundred level where it should be at, you could probably make it work.
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