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Windrunner gets there first!

January 10, 2013 by Xereal
Comments: 0    |    Views: 3529    |   


DotA2 Hero: Windranger

Hero Skills

Easy Breezy (Innate)


4 6 8 9


2 3 5 7


1 12 13 14

Focus Fire

10 11 16


15 17 18

Windrunner gets there first!

January 10, 2013


Ahh, Windrunner. Widely considered to be one of the most annoying heroes in the game just because of her cocky attitude and how difficult it is to kill her. In this guide, we'll go from item build all the way to gameplay, so bear with me.

Pros / Cons

-Extremely versatile hero
-Ridiculously hard to kill thanks to windrun
-Huge teamfight power
-One of the best disables in the game
-Long range, AOE of sorts nuke
-One of the funnest heroes to play

-Fairly squishy early to mid game
-Difficult to land spells
-Ultimate has absurd mana cost
-Very vulnerable to CC
-Often focused down during teamfights


First off, Windrunner can fill a wide variety of roles. For this guide we'll be assuming that you're either soloing or are in mid. Early game, you normally want to start out with two mantles for easier last hitting, better mana regen, and all around epicness. In addition, you may want to grab a clarity or two because you usually want to use power shot often in order to harass (and if you're having a lot of trouble farming, getting an occasional last hit. You also get the usual regen.

By around the 15 minute mark, you'd want to have gotten boots of speed to later build into phase boots, and have upgraded both of your mantles into talismans for extra stats. You may also want to pick up a magic wand for sticky situations.

Remember, no matter how much of a badass Windrunner may seem, she still needs to be played as a support or at least semi-support. With this in mind, pick up a mekanism for the AOE heal, stats, and armor. Also make sure to grab a basilius to use for pushing later on, and to further support your team members. Consider picking up a force staff for the mobility and general utility. And for the icing on the cake: phase boots. These bad boys are absolutely vital for Windrunner. Not only are they godly when paired with windrun, but they give ample opportunities to get into position to use one of your many skills.

Just a note: most games won't last this long.
For late game, you have a vast array of options. Is the enemy team annoying you with their countless stuns and magic damage? Grab a BKB (this stacked with windrun is essentially invincibility). Are you having problems chasing down heroes? Pick up a Eul's scepter. Dying too quickly? Consider purchasing a Linken's sphere. Facing a competent spell-caster? Simply buy an orchid. The possibilities are endless!

Make sure to be constantly buying wards and to have at least one tp scroll on you at all times. You never know when a teamfight or gank is coming!


A completely gamebreaking ability. Very hard to line up effectively, but huge when you do. Make sure to use this at the start of teamfights to try to stun two enemies at the same time.

Your primary source of damage. Phenomenal for farming, nuking down an enemy team, clearing out trees to prepare for a gank.....You name it, power shot does it.

This is Windrunner's defining ability. This one single skill will make you such a pain in the *** to take down that the enemy team will have no other choice than to ragequit. Use it wisely.

A very interesting ability, and a very mana-heavy one. It's usually not used on heroes because they can easily run away. It's primary purpose is the destroy structures. With a click of a button, you can blow a tower right out of the ground.


If you've learned nothing from this guide thus far, remember this: shackleshot is your friend. Use it often and use it well. Your allies will thank you for it.

Final word

Please keep in mind that this is my first guide, so please try not to judge too harshly. I also appreciate feedback, so if you want to suggest anything, just leave a comment ^^. I will also be constantly updating and improving the guide in order to meet with the community standards.

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