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-1 SnY rejected? Crystalys core? Diffusal late game? This is opposite of how a Riki should be playing.
SnY is horrible. Crys is Horrible and Diffusal should be first up after treads.
+1 vlads most people don't run this with riki because it "shows" where you are, but the aura doesn't reveal you until you de-invis. "Can replace with MoM against a squishier team.
+SnY SnY is an amazing item for carries, since you have the ability to maim, tank, move faster, and hit harder, it's a all-purpose bandage for every situation
+1 diffusal since vlads isn't a orb effect and diffusal will be your orb effect
Manta is cool since it is a tanky and offensive item, plus with timing you can dodge anything.
I personally like making Backstab first, as once you Blink Strike in and do that initial damage, you have more damage output if you max Backstab. If you max Blink Strike first you only really have that initial burst.
In my opinion it doesn't matter what you take first because you really shouldn't be do any bit of killing til you have your ultimate. I do think taking 1 Smoke Screen 3 BackStabs and 1 Blink Strike is my personal 1-5 picks because smoke screen and blink strike are really the same all the way through. Back stab allows you to last hit better, KS better because lets be honest you really shouldn't join the fight till the enemy starts to retreat. Throwing down a smoke screen in a big group while your team and you do damage. Then the enemy runs and you blink strike and boom boom dead and maxing out Backstab first allows you to do this faster and is more effective.
Then again, I guess you could be playing Dota 1 ;) Nice guide, but I wouldn't be asking for Dota 2 beta keys. It makes it seem as if you only made a guide to get a beta key.
Not sure how many people at Dotafire are even in the beta. I don't have anymore keys sadly. I wonder if Matt tried contacting Valve to ask for keys for his fansite for giveaway events? o.o
I personally like making Backstab first, as once you Blink Strike in and do that initial damage, you have more damage output if you max Backstab. If you max Blink Strike first you only really have that initial burst.