How To Start
Simple Guide To Witch Doctor
Hello, I have made this build for myself in order to experiment with Witch Doctor, but you are free to look aswell.
First I begin with Witch Doctor either taking top or bot. If you get stuck against two melee based heroes, than Witch Doctor is really powerful. You need to harass them as much as possible with your ranged right click attack. Do this on squishy melee heroes at the start. Once you unlock both your
Maledict Spell after
Paralyzing Cask, stun them and cast your Maledict spell on them. Get a few hits while they run away aswell. There may be a chance that they may die because of low health and Maledict Spell while running away.
The Death Ward
This is the most awesome ulty on any hero in my opinion, but this does not mean to use it every second you get. You must use sneaky tactics (Sneaky as in Ganky) while using the ulty. For example, you hide in a patch of trees while your team make their health go down. Once the enemies start running back, cut them off with the Death Ward. You can see what I mean in this illustration with death ward strategic points. You must run in front, place Death Ward, and watch the opposing team's tears flow.

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