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5 Votes

What To Do When You're Failing

March 31, 2014 by PyroMaticSam
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Gambit306 (1) | May 5, 2014 10:49pm
Great guide,
only thing that i thought you could add is some more late game tips,
like when the other team is getting tier 3 &/or rax,
staying in base to defend instead of running out trying to flail towers.
The number of games i have played where as a team we were outclassed, but by staying in base we somehow pull off a team wipe and get a rax of our own and bring it back.

Your guide was directed more towards single players i guess instead of failing as a team :P
Keep it up! (i don't mean the feed :P)
Soebardjo | April 21, 2014 11:37pm
My advice : Do not try to trio-gank Bristleback. Seriously, do not even try to gank him (Except you have hex). He could turn a gank into a triple kill for himself. I've experienced it (because Bristleback is my favorite hero :D).
Captain Propane | April 16, 2014 8:48am
Great, I hope people will read this guide and there will be no more storm spirits in my team who say "i have kda ratio 0/4/2, this game is lost, i will go feed enemies" :)
PyroMaticSam | April 11, 2014 3:26am
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I'm glad everyone enjoyed the guide and found it useful.
Underseer | April 8, 2014 3:03pm

Timminatorr, I feel you misunderstand me, I feel that assists are just as important as kills, but I meant that they do not actually give any gold or xp to help you catch up. You can very easily contribute to a kill without dealing any damage, such as hex glimpse, or body blocking. You'll still get assist gold to help you catch up but yo wont get an assist. On the other hand a global assist such as AA's ice blast will give you an assist, but wont actually give you any gold or xp and isn't as much use to help you catch up even though it helps your team to get a kill.

If you're behind, any amount of gold or experience will help you, no matter what. If an assist only gives you 120 gold,that's 120 less you need to farm/passively gain until your next item.
samukobo (28) | April 3, 2014 11:28pm
Hi Sam, I'm Sam.

I suppose you could write something about the team's overall morale here. The most important thing to do when a team is falling behind is to stay as a team mentally because the amount of stuff a high morale can do is unbelievable.

It's really important to be that guy who tries to stop his teammates from flaming each other, and boost the team's morale when winning to keep it up.
darkestsabata | April 3, 2014 6:40pm
Timminatorr, I feel you misunderstand me, I feel that assists are just as important as kills, but I meant that they do not actually give any gold or xp to help you catch up. You can very easily contribute to a kill without dealing any damage, such as hex glimpse, or body blocking. You'll still get assist gold to help you catch up but yo wont get an assist. On the other hand a global assist such as AA's ice blast will give you an assist, but wont actually give you any gold or xp and isn't as much use to help you catch up even though it helps your team to get a kill.
darkestsabata | April 3, 2014 6:40pm
Timminatorr, I feel you misunderstand me, I feel that assists are just as important as kills, but I meant that they do not actually give any gold or xp to help you catch up. You can very easily contribute to a kill without dealing any damage, such as hex glimpse, or body blocking. You'll still get assist gold to help you catch up but yo wont get an assist. On the other hand a global assist such as AA's ice blast will give you an assist, but wont actually give you any gold or xp and isn't as much use to help you catch up even though it helps your team to get a kill.
PyroMaticSam | March 31, 2014 1:48pm
Some interesting points here guys, thanks for helping me improve my guide. Will make all necasary improvements tomorrow. Remember, this is a first guide, so it's not perfect!
Timminatorr (57) | March 31, 2014 8:25am

A really interesting guide. Just wanted to point out that actually assists mean nothing other than making yourself look better, you get assist gold independantly of assist on the scoreboard ( they require damage dealt) you just need to be within range of the kill. This gold varies bamsed on the number of people in range of the kill, and the tables can be found on the wiki. Also if you are a squishy support you could consider buying a gauntlet for that extra 57 hp. Finally I know it does not directly increase your net worth, but assuming you're not the 1 position stacking camps for your carry can really help even when your game is going really badly. Altogether Id say this is a great first guide, but with some room for improvement.

assists mean quite a lot, it means you assisted in a kill and probably helped in getting it.

i hate when people are like: look at that 3/8 sand king, and just forget the +20 assists they have, while the clikz who got kills spoonfed has 15 kills and get all the credit.
darkestsabata | March 30, 2014 1:02pm
A really interesting guide. Just wanted to point out that actually assists mean nothing other than making yourself look better, you get assist gold independantly of assist on the scoreboard ( they require damage dealt) you just need to be within range of the kill. This gold varies bamsed on the number of people in range of the kill, and the tables can be found on the wiki. Also if you are a squishy support you could consider buying a gauntlet for that extra 57 hp. Finally I know it does not directly increase your net worth, but assuming you're not the 1 position stacking camps for your carry can really help even when your game is going really badly. Altogether Id say this is a great first guide, but with some room for improvement.
PyroMaticSam | March 30, 2014 11:47am

You don't necessarily have to stay togather when it comes to ganking. Fatal ganking heroes such as Lion, Lina, Leshrac and Skywrath Mage can outmatch most heroes in a 1v1 situation in a gank.

The Overkill is basically a kill-steal. Unless you have carries in your team, it is best not to. Good that you said as a last-resort but you should say why.'

I personally like the guide, but I feel it can work with some improvements.

Thanks for the suggestions, I will be sure to improve it. I'm glad you liked the guide :).
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