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42 Votes

What Are Men To Rocks & Mountains

August 29, 2012 by Hotwire#276355
Comments: 9    |    Views: 386130    |   

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SiangKakHe | July 3, 2014 9:03am
very well guide and simple to understand for beginner. keep a good work.

Dota 2 Guide Indonesia - Earthshaker
xxblackxxrosexx | December 11, 2012 3:25am
great guide, +1
NotSureIf (16) | September 4, 2012 4:49am
You also have to take into account that Earthshaker is a melee caster. So not only will you have to get those mana items he needs to constantly dish out damage, you need a positioning item such as Blink Dagger and some tanky items which can be anything from Bracers to a Vanguard. But your main focus should be increasing your mana pool and regeneration so you can constantly throw out stuns and damage.
TardRifle | August 31, 2012 5:31pm
Sweet thnx
Hotwire#276355 | August 31, 2012 5:18pm
NotSureIf wrote:

An amazing addition to the Earthshaker guides. I do like the fact you have both wards and the courier there in the build order...

Thank you for the positive vote and the feedback. You are quite right about needing survivability through the items you mentioned. I believe I will put in a section about special items for common circumstances, such as when Earthshaker is the only thing close to a tank on the team. I believe I will split the starting items. I did explain the situation in better detail in the notes where the 200 gold is always saved to meet needs. Of course, that is a lot of text and users may want to just get a quick glance at skills/items.

Blitxxen wrote:

Im just going to +1 this guide because of the simply standart and nice skill and item buid, also because of the work you putted into the wall of text you made.

Hah! Thank you for the positive vote, I would imagine the items/skills aren't anything too radical. I think the details in the "wall of text" provide a decent amount of information some players may not be aware of, generally things tooltips don't tell you. =P I did put a little bit of work into this guide, especially in the form of providing quicker reads through the overviews that use the color coded items of importance. I understand not everyone has time to read a small unabridged dictionary. Hopefully the overviews and colors help players find information in this guide easier.

SemenLike wrote:

What's the color code for the green

TardRifle wrote:

Yeah tell us wat the code for the green

The green color code used in this guide is: #68AA7E
Just in case the red color code I used is: #AA6868

I felt these colors blended better with a dark background, which allows for an easier read, while still attracting the reader to the most critical parts. All colored phrases used were also bolded.

Also, If you're looking for something slightly different you can Google an "HTML color code generator" for several choices that provide easy ways to select a color from a palette and get the code you like best!
TardRifle | August 30, 2012 5:35am
Yeah tell us wat the code for the green
SemenLike | August 30, 2012 4:01am
What's the color code for the green
Blitxxen (7) | August 29, 2012 6:49pm
Im just going to +1 this guide because of the simply standart and nice skill and item buid, also because of the work you putted into the wall of text you made.
NotSureIf (16) | August 29, 2012 4:55pm
An amazing addition to the Earthshaker guides. I do like the fact you have both wards and the courier there in the build order. Perhaps separate the build into 2 different build orders for example "Starting with Courier" and "Starting with Wards". A suggestion I could make is that you add the Heart of Terrasque amongst the Luxury item section or adding oen or two Bracers into the Core items. It'll give the tankiness Earthshaker needs when he initiates and provides a sense of security if the team is a bit slow in following through after you initiate. I'll bookmark this for later use :) keep it up!
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