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5 Votes

Weaver - Tournament Build

April 30, 2012 by -cNc-
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DotA2 Hero: Weaver

Hero Skills

Rewoven (Innate)

The Swarm

5 10 13 14


2 4 9 12

Geminate Attack

1 3 7 8

Time Lapse

6 11 16


15 17 18

Weaver - Tournament Build

April 30, 2012


Welcome to this GG weaver guide. Weaver is a great carry if he has farm and is able to get some kills, he has the capacity to just kill everyone but he can be very squishy if there is enough stuns on him making his ulti useless. I formulated this guide by watching many tournament players and with weaver experience myself. The item build varies dependant on your farm and how successful your team is. I hope this build can favour you as much as it did for me :)

I made this build by analyzing tournaments and competitions along with past experiences.


Lets look at Weaver in general.

Late game hero, mainly DPS with little dependance on his skills late game. Lets take a look at his skills

The Swarm
The swarm is a powerful tool when your are hitting enemy heroes or just farming in general. With this skill it lowers armor. They do some damage which is very irrelevant late game, but they give you an advantage in teamfights and just general killing as they lower armor of the opponent. Be warned, THEY CAN BE KILLED! Since the beetles can be killed, the armor decrease is completely gone as soon as they die, so if they start attacking the beetles, you can have some concentration on them while they stop concentrating on you.

Shukuchi (Invisi)
Your invisi is a prime escape for you and excellent at stealing last hits on creeps. It also works as a great harassment as they can't see you but they still take some damage. Getting this skill at level 2 is essential for escaping early ganks or just harassing in general. Don't use it too much to deplete your mana, but if you want to buy clarity pots for it go ahead it won't hurt just delay your GG items. In the end Shukuchi is an excellent skill and can be used for your advantage. I highly recommend using this skill as a form of escape if you are taking to much damage and are unable to use your ulti :)

Geminate Attack
Double attack! This skill is by far the best skill weaver has, allowing him to attack twice on one target. Once maxed this skill becomes the ultimate harassment and allows you to farm like crazy! It helps with the last hitting on both enemy's and creeps, and it becomes a great deal of damage once you have manta, desolator, radiance and butterfly... it is deadly! I recommend maxing this as soon as you can, even if you change around the invisi and swarm.

Time Lapse
Your ulti is basically like a second life. Although it's not as good as skeleton king's ulti and having the aegis, your ulti can be used to refresh mana and health. If you are getting ganked pretty hard and find yourself loosing health quickly, use your ulti and swoosh, time travel back and gain everything you had 5 or so seconds before. It is great for duping and with the aid of Sukuchi, it is a perfect escape for an unprepared gank. Using this will definitely help in teamfights if you are getting damaged down, and it also helps with pushing if you are damaging down towers and take too much just pop your ulti and back to normal you go. With these items and if you play careful enough, you will find that you don't use your ulti as much as you think, but it is a great tool to have and I recommend maxing it as soon as you can. The only downside to this is that you have to use it at a precise time or else you might find yourself going back into some trouble....

Item Choice

Starting out with a tango, health pot, 2 slippers and finally 2 branches. These items provide you with some damage and general stats, so it will help you out a bit. The branches are expendable, as soon as you have enough money for boots, go for it!

Going for treads will help, it gives you stats and some attack speed, so they are the most useful boots for weaver. Dont be scared, change your stats! If you think that your health is low, change your treads to strength to give you that little boost of strength allowing you to get more regen or health, setting it to agility normally will help with your attacks and setting it to intelligence is for if you use your mana for Sukuchi.

CORE ITEMS = RADIANCE AND BKB! Radiance, gives you extra damage and permanent aoe around you. It helps greatly in farm both in jungle and in lanes, it is essential that after you get your treads you save for this. Note: If you are having trouble / getting harassed, upgrade your slippers to wraith bands, it helps! After your radiance is up, then you can upgrade the wraith bands or just save for your BKB.
BKB is essential in teamfights. Popping this will not only make you overpowered, but most heroes wont be able to do anything to you! Stuns will render useless along with holds or hexes or whatever :) Use this in teamfights but be aware of the time, it decreases with each use!

The rest is up to you if you have good farm or if you GG it early. Make sure to get the butterfly for more damage output along with deso and manta, making you impossible to kill!


Whenever you have free time and are not pushing with team or just roaming for kills make sure you keep up your farm, it is the make or break with weaver. The more you farm the better you get and the harder it is to kill you. Another positive is that you get more money for buyback!

Overall just keep up your last hits and make sure that you have loads of farm. It is great having alot of farm because once you get your items its game over.

TIP: If you suck at last hitting creeps, just wait till your geminate is off cooldown and they have about 1/4 health left (for creeps) and then you should get the kill!


In the end.... its up to you!

I really hope this guide helps you in your weaver matches, never underestimate how amazing you can make weaver attack.

This guide is basically a help, dont depend your life on it because maybe it wont work for you. But overall I think that it should benefit greatly!

Thanks for reading the guide :D hope it helps

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