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11 Votes

Weaver. The key to Godlike

March 22, 2012 by CrixOMix
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MrSnowman | April 22, 2012 2:14pm
Have to second what Stoli said. But for some help

Starting items are obviously good.

Radiance makes his farming very good and it's overall a good item to have I won't really complain about that much. But that's if you're planning on farming survival items quickly. I'd go scandi after that since they make such a good pair and it's an easier item to farm since it's well segmented. (In contrast to Radiance. Which makes radiance a good earlier game pickup. Usually farm goes down during transition to midgame unless you're getting items that help your farm, so it's not as relevant in this build but it's still good if you get interrupted for example). Lategame is pretty obvious.


As Stoli said. Geminate attack should probably only be leveld 1 level until you have good damage. Depending on the difference between the teams (which would be assumed small for high-tier, but you're considering public so it can be adventagous to get it earlier). I almost always prioritize shukuchi. ulti maxed as soon as possible, and swarm before stats. But depending on the team, if it's push heavy, I think i'd put more into swarm. -8 armor is pretty damn good. Your enemies have that on them for 8 seconds when maxed. Along with the debuff when it's growing. It's just damn good. Keeps them off your back for a while when you're taking the tower down. Something people forget is just how amazing getting assists are. Beatle debuffs always give you assists. And it's far less likely for your team to take them down within the lower time.

Pick based on situation.

After writing I don't really feel like I contributed anything. Stoli said most of it. He didn't use the right tone though. But you really shouldn't make a guide when you don't really know what you're talking about. That this guide has 50% likes is just not right.
Stoli (2) | March 24, 2012 1:38pm
CrixOMix wrote:

Ok. First of all. You have no idea what constructive criticism is. Secondly. THIS IS NOT A GUIDE FOR PROS. Read the intro. I said this is a pub stomp strategy. If you play in some high league, then yeah, strategies will be very different. And honestly, you would only wanna get abyssal if you are just rolling in the dough and want some stun. It's an option. Weaver is pretty sick late game and any item that boosts his damage is going to help. I'm not even going to respond to the rest of your hate, as a lot of it is opinion anyways.

It's not even a high league. Play against someone competent in MM and let me know how you do.
CrixOMix | March 24, 2012 7:57am
Stoli wrote:

Sorry, I'm not going to read the gameplay strategy, since you have major issues in your item/skill build..

Ok. First of all. You have no idea what constructive criticism is. Secondly. THIS IS NOT A GUIDE FOR PROS. Read the intro. I said this is a pub stomp strategy. If you play in some high league, then yeah, strategies will be very different. And honestly, you would only wanna get abyssal if you are just rolling in the dough and want some stun. It's an option. Weaver is pretty sick late game and any item that boosts his damage is going to help. I'm not even going to respond to the rest of your hate, as a lot of it is opinion anyways.
Stoli (2) | March 23, 2012 5:22pm
Sorry, I'm not going to read the gameplay strategy, since you have major issues in your item/skill build..

0.5 I missed this before, but it needs to be said: THIS SKILL BUILD WOULD MAKE ME TRASH TALK YOU ALL GAME.

When I said abyssal blade on weaver was full ******, I lied. This DEFINES full ******.

I'd rather you level stats first. There is NO REASON to get more than one level of germinate before level 9. NO REASON. This is a steroid skill; you need it AFTER you get levels/items, not before.

In early game, you have a choice: you build for survivability or kills. If you want kills, swarm first is VERY good early damage (check the total damage at 6, or at worst, the bonus hits it can take from tower while you dive)

Pros want survivability, so they build SHUKUCHI first. This is fine as well. It means even if you overcommit, you can escape. You can chase insanely well extremely early, and you can avoid basically any gank.

1. soul ring makes no ****ing sense

it costs hp, there are better ways to get mana regen (basilus and medallion are the standards) and most importantly, it does NOTHING for survivability, or killing potential, which are two things he lacks most early game.

2. no survivability items at all. I would consider hood of defiance ESSENTIAL against numerous heroes, like lich, lion, lina, AA, any hero with SPELLS, ie 90% of dota.

If not, you need, vanguard or a vit booster AT A MINIMUM before radiance (vit AND a hood is standard)

3. SnY, abysmal blade, and to a lesser extent, satanic, is going full ******

seriously, you do not need a slow on a hero that can haste every 2s or so. Or a bash on a range hero.

4. no heart? heart is very good on weaver

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