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We outnumbered you, we outnumber them all: A Phantom Lancer guide (Updated!)

February 15, 2013 by depparted
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Crowfeather (1) | January 9, 2015 8:01am
Skadi and Diffusal did stack even before they removed UAM on Diffusal, since the interactions on melee hero with skadi were different to range hero in dota2. In dota1 they never stacked, but in dota2 it was changed. Even then you can have different UAM with illusions and main hero, so you'd still get slow and manaburn ^^

I'm not really a fan of the Radi Tranq build, but I think somewhere in mid game after diffusal you could probably drop a casual morbid mask, since it gives quite a lot of sustain when farming or pushing.
ACkun | June 28, 2014 5:52pm
Just for those who think that Manta is not good on PL, what would you replace it with then? I don't see anything better aside from the other listed items here.
Oh, and I tried the soul ring tranquil build, and he was SQUISHY as hell!! I agree with the vitality booster after.
XcALibuR (3) | March 7, 2013 1:22am
Hello there, I'd like to comment about the EG.Fear Build. I have tried it, and I really like it. It's one of my favorite builds for him. The thing is about the Boots. In your guide there, you said that the boots to get are Tranquil Boots. I think it is a great choice. I would take these when I was having heavy harrasments in lane, but then, at mid-game, I'd switch to Power Treads (or even take Power Treads as my first boots of choice) since it compliments heavily with the main focus of the build, which is Attack Speed. Perhaps you would consider implementing my suggestion in your guide? Otherwise, everything else is nicely done.
DatGamer | March 6, 2013 11:21am
You should add Medusa as a foe. Her Split Shot deals aoe damage and her ultimate instakills your illusions.

By the way it's a great guide. +1
harumage (15) | February 18, 2013 9:07am
Great PL GUIDE. +1 Rep
KholdStare88 (1) | February 8, 2013 5:46am
You might get a +1 just for spelling "a lot" right.

But a good actually, and I like how you make Radiance optional. I like Diffusal/Manta.
XcALibuR (3) | January 22, 2013 4:19am
Used this build and owned! I love it! :D


By the way, why don't you pud Daedalus into the luxuries? I find it better than Ethereal Blade. The crits with all luxuries available for you is just so big (~900)
Synergy (2) | December 11, 2012 8:43am
I am pretty sure you can enchant PL illusions to make your own army of illusions, you could add that if you wanna (I don't see this happening often though)
Behemoth | December 4, 2012 3:29am
Good build. It make PL unstoppable. +1
idunno | December 3, 2012 1:40pm
I got some thoughts on your guide:

1- Vlads is useless in PL, illusions don't benefit from auras (they only spread it).

2-Since recently PL's agility was buffed so much i wonder if he really needs radiance in his core to deal damage to the enemy team.

3-Manta is kinda redundant since PL already have so many illusions. Yeah, it does give you some extra life and makes your illusions tankier but for this there are more cost efficient items.

4-I really like crits on PL. They WORK with your illusions and with his agility buff (which increases his attack speed and damage) a Crystalys pl cant deal lots of damage to the enemy team for a smaller cost than a radiance. Test it some day ;)

5-A nice thing about your item build is HoT in the core. Srsly making your illu tanky is the most important thing to any PL. It's frustrating to see PLs owned in late game because their copies are killed in one hit.
depparted (3) | November 30, 2012 1:23pm
Added friends and foes!
Kel Ghu | November 24, 2012 6:00pm
depparted wrote:

Illusions from manta DO benefit from your ultimate, every illusion of you benefit from it, even hostile ones (seer, shadow demon etc...)
Vlads is actually useful if you ever need the lifesteal, that's the only item I make for only myself and not the illusions.
About radiance... if you're going rad, it has to be ready by the 20 minute, that's when it's most effective, after that, it goes down in usefulness after that.
I really hate crits on PL... yeah, your illusions do crit, but they don't get the +81 damage and they don't deal full damage, so that red damage shown is actually quite smaller... every PL illusion deals 25% of your damage... now, at late game, let's say you have 200 agi (this is just a random number), so 200 base damage on your illusions, times 0.25 equals 50, times 2.7 that's 135... yeah it's much better than the 50 they would normally deal, but nowhere near the 700 or 800 that would be showing on your screen. With 6k gold you can get much better items for you illusions... a butterfly or a ethereal blade, because along with the 30/40 damage gain they fully get, they get amazing attack speed. I'd much rather have 80/90 damage with great attack speed than a chance to get 135 with lower attack speed

Right, I'm wrong about Phantom Edge. It does proc with illusions from other sources.

Agreed with Radiance. Still, the point was the time you spend collecting 3800 gold is a long time you won't get any new item. It can have consequences as you usually rush it first very early in a game. But it's a good farming/pushing item for PL, we agree.

About Vlad... Come on, be relevant... Of course you can get IF you need the lifesteal, but that can be said for every hero in the game. The point is it has no synergy with PL's overall gameplay mechanics, which are his illusions. And Vlad won't make PL tanky when his illusions are gone, because he doesn't have enough dps all by himself. So it's a worthless item to me. I don't see the need for a Vlad, really. And you shouldn't play PL if you play him without consideration for his illusions. Every single item should make PL AND his illusions better. Remember, his illusions make up for 2/3 of his overall damage output (100% from PL + 8x 25% from illusions = 300%). But the sad part is that most people think illusions will benefit from auras and that's the reason they make Vlad, which is wrong. You don't see vlad mentionned in the recommended build in the game or on dota2wiki. And that is the most common and sad mistake one sees when reading PL guides.

About the crit part, you don't get the full 30 dmg from butterfly, but 7.5dmg + 30 attackspeed both from AGI only. We know, illusions don't get the attack speed bonus nor dmg from items but really only from AGI. And if you read me again, I don't make nor do I recommend making crit items before having butterfly (or any other luxury agi item), it's not worth it. In fact, Deadalus should be gotten very late game or even as the last item, because it sublimates the power of lvl 20+ as PL's AGI gain is just insane and, of course, from luxury AGI items. And damage-wise, it's better to get Deadalus after Butterfly than a second butterfly or Ethereal Blade.

To the OP, adding friends and foes would be really nice. Obviously, all AoE dmg heroes do own you early-mid until you get Heart of Tarrasque, but you might not get there in time to beat them. I'd list Axe, Earthshaker, Lina, Death Prophet and Keeper as foes amongst others.

Oh yeah, Battlefury/Cleave on a melee carry is a hard counter to PL, but I rarely see people do that reactively. They tend not to be able to deviate from their favorite item build.
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