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4 Votes

Watcher in the Forest

October 23, 2014 by Phalanx300
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condor92 | July 13, 2015 10:37pm
Nice guide! I always go for Aghs with Treant these days. I think you might mention somewhere in this guide how you can flash farm all neutral camps on the map, denying the other team farm.
vucklentine | March 9, 2015 9:33am
like my playstyle as support beside as initiator too, but i buy Force Staff then Blink Dagger because Force Staff can use in any condition. but Living Armor still my first priority :D
eeon (6) | October 29, 2014 5:09am
hi! really nice guide, I like the Aghs pick up. Usually I play 5th role with Treant so it s hard to gather the gold for Aghanim's Scepter and Blink Dagger and Shiva's Guard.

You have a Ring of Protection in your starting items and yet you don't use it for anything. I always get Ring of Basilius and upgrade it to Vladmir's Offering if there are a lot of melee heroes on my team.

I usually get Drum of Endurance and Mekansm. You should add mek and pipe by the way.

Zerak Kyria (8) | October 28, 2014 11:47pm
... where is Orb of Venom it is AMAZING on almost every melee support.
formatting is nice and just a tip mention whether you are playing support or utility. because if supporting add into the build a section of items which you should be getting when needed eg; wards and tp scroll.
If you add in a gameplay section than you will have a +1 from me. gj and keep it up.
Phalanx300 | October 24, 2014 1:09pm
As I said this build is here to offer an alternate build to use, which focusses on Leech Seed and Aghanim's Scepter. No point in recreating existing guides. And this seems to work when playing Treant Protector. Also I mentioned getting Blink Dagger being gotten earlier if you feel its more usefull, however the sooner you get your Aghanim's Scepter the more you and your team will benefit from it.
Rudd (3) | October 24, 2014 11:48am
I can't get behind maxing Leech Seed before Living Armor.

Also, I think considering Ags as a core is not correct. Rushing Ags may be the best option in some games. However, saying Ags is core while a Blink Dagger is late game, just seems like you are trying to simplify things that aren't that straightforward.
Phalanx300 | October 24, 2014 6:38am
Thanks for the replies!

As for the guide, I created it to provide a alternative way to play Treant Protector. As most players tend to max Living Armor first. I've found that focussing on Leech Seed will often result in getting more gold and it will make farming easier. Making it good if you're trying to farm for Aghanim's Scepter.

As for Ring of Basilius, I often build it in lane untill I have the other components of Soul Ring, then I deconstruct my Ring of Basilius to construct the Soul Ring. I've found that Soul Ring + Arcane Boots will provide enough mana regeneration to keep you going.
Heal | October 24, 2014 2:59am
I like this item build so much, so simple
yes you really have to update the skill build, including living armor build
Unscathed (47) | October 24, 2014 12:38am
is this in progress?

good formatting and details. but you lack gameplay, and i think you should add Ring of Basilius in the early game. its a good item early game that grants you survivability and mana.

though i think you should add an alternate build... Living Armor is much stronger as it provides lane support, which Treant Protector is all about.
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