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12 Votes

Warlock: semi carry for some pub fun

March 4, 2013 by Thaneos
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JollyWiLaska | September 30, 2016 1:16am
Hi i share your view; it's fun to play warlock as a carry. I even try playing abaddon in pubs as a carry but ppl assume he's only support and that's so annoying lol so I end up supporting anyway.
Btw thanks for the guide I was searching for a carry one 😁
afinefeedingfrenzy | August 13, 2014 9:37am
My goodness people are quick to flame. As one of my most played characters, I find in pubs I can often get an Agh's even while warding, dusting, etc. the whole time (though I do usually skip Mek). Refresher Orb is similarly not that crazy and I often end up getting this in games that go over 40 min. It doesn't seem like a great leap to me to do this on purpose, especially if your actual carry is useless. The thing is, even that farmed AM will have a hard time standing up to 4 golems beating on him. Or you can base race to win. Sure, this may not work at any reasonable level of competition but it is fun when pub-stomping, as the guide title suggests. Source: 82% win-rate on Warlock.
Wulfstan (77) | March 18, 2013 1:10pm
The only way you might semi carry with Warlock is to adopt the old chinesse style.You see,3 years ago,there was a popular Desolator+ Mekansm build on solo hard lane Warlocks,that worked really well.I also rarely see people dropping an Upheaval right after the ultimate has been cast.

However,the deso was purchased to enhance the power of the golem,not WL itself.Though both might work.I also find phase boots being all in all more useful on a slow,low mobility hero like warlock.
da chef | March 18, 2013 12:26pm
Agree Peppo,

Its a big risk vs reward. I read your guide as well and find it to be a much better traditional warlock guide. But this one was just more fun if it works. OP does a good job of laying out how to do it.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 18, 2013 12:10pm
da chef wrote:


thanks for the guide. I used the scepter and refresher build last night before I had even read your guide. Our hard carry was Phantom Assasin. It was a pub game. I requested MID just until level 6 to get ulti and then helped top and bottom to gank.

The first time I used ulti I got a triple Kill. I ended up going 9-0-15 ..I used my golems to team fight AND push towers. They are very effective to push towers with.

The team we played was not great, clearly. But, this build is a lot of fun to mess around with. I would encourage anyone who is looking for a change of pace in a casual pub game to give this a try. I would also encourage to do this in a game with friends so that your team knows what you are doing and does not RAGE at you :)

P.S. I created an account just to post in this thread!

The real problem with this build is that if you're laning against a "good" player or your teammates are losing their lanes you won't get Agh's and Refresher soon, which means that you will be useless for 30-40 minutes. Of course this is very fun when your team has the upper hand, but it's extremely situational even in pubs.
da chef | March 18, 2013 10:45am

thanks for the guide. I used the scepter and refresher build last night before I had even read your guide. Our hard carry was Phantom Assasin. It was a pub game. I requested MID just until level 6 to get ulti and then helped top and bottom to gank.

The first time I used ulti I got a triple Kill. I ended up going 9-0-15 ..I used my golems to team fight AND push towers. They are very effective to push towers with.

The team we played was not great, clearly. But, this build is a lot of fun to mess around with. I would encourage anyone who is looking for a change of pace in a casual pub game to give this a try. I would also encourage to do this in a game with friends so that your team knows what you are doing and does not RAGE at you :)

P.S. I created an account just to post in this thread!
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 6, 2013 6:49pm
Just wanted to add to the comment on the first page of comments: Every hero can be played as a carry.

Someone said "Goodluck with your omniknight carry!"

Since a cary is defined as a weak hero early game that farms to get gold and experience to use massive DPS and skills alongside utitily items and bonus damage items to "carry" the game- yes any hero can be a carry.

Similarly, any hero can be a support. Ward, don't last hit, pull, buy courior/chicken. Gratz, you now made a support spectre.

Thing is- some heros are better at certain roles than others. Thus, while an omniknoght cary is possibly- his poor agility gain + damage + lack of abilities to support either + extreme item dependency with few ways to effectively get them mean that as a carry, compared to Ainti-mage or Spectre, Omniknight is not likely a good carry.
ThrobbingIceCreamWarrior (1) | March 5, 2013 8:14am
Honestly if your playing warlock as a carry try to get an early mjollnir. This will improve your cs with the damage, lightning and attack speed as well as give you some very good right clicking strength in early teamfights. Also it synergizes extremely well with your golems. Put the lightning charge on your golems when you ult and people take even more damage from them. If you get a refresher you can use the active twice also and put charges on two things.
Thaneos (1) | March 4, 2013 5:22pm
Miserable wrote:


I do not normally make a account or comment on guides but for this one I felt I had to.
I am still sorta new to dota been playing for under 2 months and warlock is my favorite hero so far, not because I am good with him just because I played a lock in WoW for a few years.

I came across this guide looking for something I can play in low level match making and read the guide and all the comments. The OP said this was a guide just for basic pub play and meant purely for fun and should not be played in competitive matches. He challanged his biggest antagonist telling him to play it in a regular pub match and prove it can't be done. He got insulted instead.

The OP then pointed out that he had a better win / loss ratio then his biggest antagonist and posted a link to a website where you can check such things. I did not even know that there were sites for this but decided to check for myself assuming both the OP and his antagonist xCO2 used their in game handles here. The OP did in fact have a better win / loss record so I decided to give this guide a try. I went 17 4 8 I believe and I am a terrible player. I would post a picture of the final score but am not sure how to.

So I will vote for this guide just for the fact if I can do it as a new player than it must be possible. Don't listen to the nay sayers OP and thank you.

Thanks, to bad I'm above saying I told you so.....err wait (f12 takes a in game ss)
Thaneos (1) | March 4, 2013 5:18pm
kauefr wrote:

What i'm trying to say is: A Carry hero must have abilities that boost it's killing power, multiplicatively(is this word right?) if possible.
Every AGI Carry, DPS = DMG X SPD, AGI boosts both.
Sven, Ultimate multiplies DMG by 2, and Cleave adds more power to each swing.
Outworld Destroyer, INT gives you both normal DMG and pure DMG through Arcane Orb.

I didn't mean to offend you, but if you want to play Warlock, play it the way it will be useful, and if you want to PubStomp, well...there are tons of better heroes to do this.

Fair enough, I apologize. I was just getting a little irked with people saying it can't be done.

It is not about there being better heroes to PubStomp with if you just wanna play for fun and some ***** and giggles. It's about doing it with heroes you like, that's the point. :D
kauefr | March 4, 2013 5:06pm

Fail troll is fail

What i'm trying to say is: A Carry hero must have abilities that boost it's killing power, multiplicatively(is this word right?) if possible.
Every AGI Carry, DPS = DMG X SPD, AGI boosts both.
Sven, Ultimate multiplies DMG by 2, and Cleave adds more power to each swing.
Outworld Destroyer, INT gives you both normal DMG and pure DMG through Arcane Orb.

I didn't mean to offend you, but if you want to play Warlock, play it the way it will be useful, and if you want to PubStomp, well...there are tons of better heroes to do this.
Miserable | March 4, 2013 5:00pm

I do not normally make a account or comment on guides but for this one I felt I had to.
I am still sorta new to dota been playing for under 2 months and warlock is my favorite hero so far, not because I am good with him just because I played a lock in WoW for a few years.

I came across this guide looking for something I can play in low level match making and read the guide and all the comments. The OP said this was a guide just for basic pub play and meant purely for fun and should not be played in competitive matches. He challanged his biggest antagonist telling him to play it in a regular pub match and prove it can't be done. He got insulted instead.

The OP then pointed out that he had a better win / loss ratio then his biggest antagonist and posted a link to a website where you can check such things. I did not even know that there were sites for this but decided to check for myself assuming both the OP and his antagonist xCO2 used their in game handles here. The OP did in fact have a better win / loss record so I decided to give this guide a try. I went 17 4 8 I believe and I am a terrible player. I would post a picture of the final score but am not sure how to.

So I will vote for this guide just for the fact if I can do it as a new player than it must be possible. Don't listen to the nay sayers OP and thank you.
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