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4 Votes

War is an equation, death a solution

March 3, 2014 by Ungwe
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Ancient Hero (17) | March 4, 2014 5:03pm
Disruptor is a really good roaming hero thanks to glimpse, if you drop a tunderstrike, they wont escape provided glimpse has 2-3 points in it. Also your ulti has a fairly low cd so using it for solo kills is fine. As a support, you also need regen, thats a hands down thing for any support and starting boots first is a no-no on nearly any hero except for maybe a few offlaners.
Rudd (3) | March 4, 2014 12:39pm
Thats what I'm saying. If you want to harrass the offlaner (not you being the offlaner) you might want regen. Also if your enemy goes dual lane against your safe lane carry, you are going to need the regen. Against a dual lane Boots of Speed won't help you much.
Ungwe | March 4, 2014 12:04pm
i don't remember talkin about offlaning...I play strictly in my lane till the team fights begin, but i usually don't roam nor I go alone...I always stand by the side of somebody
Rudd (3) | March 3, 2014 7:11pm
You play safe, but you want to harass the offlaner out of the lane? What if you face a dual lane? Also, 1 Tango gives more hp regen than a salve
Ungwe | March 3, 2014 8:14am
Finally, are you really suggesting that your starting items shouldn't include any type of HP regen??

i have to say, since i play really safe i rarely do need hp regen , so in this rare occasions i simply buy one healing salve..
Ungwe | March 2, 2014 3:50pm
Guys i've tried what u suggested, AND i have to say:

it's totally true, glimpse is way handier than thudertrike...i've always left it out cosidering it almost an ***-saving skill...but gettin low cool down early game kicks *** double your assists basically...i'll make it part of build two for sure :D

I made this guide trying to give advice to others, and instead i got the best advice lol

this website is awesome, thanks everybody

and Peppo o Paccio of course, great job dude ;) keep it up
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 1, 2014 1:20pm
Ungwe wrote:

As i saind, it's kind of an harrass build...maybe i'll add the one with glimpse maxed out first tomorrow :)

Peppo o paccio immagino tu sia italiano =)

complimenti per le tue build, seguo solo quelle praticamente

Grazie per il complimento, sono contento che sia d'aiuto a giocatori italiani (visto che la maggior parte degli Italiani su gruppi/forum sono abbastanza inesperti). :D

Anyway, I'd still max Glimpse first by level 7 or 8 and leave Thunder Strike second: professional players usually leave it last and max Kinetic Field second, but I too like the extra harass damage for the mid game. Still, Glimpse is one of the best counter-initiation spells and screws up the enemy positioning (and we all know what happens if you have bad positioning in Dota), so maxing it first is a no-brainer for me.
Rudd (3) | March 1, 2014 1:08pm
Outside of his Ultimate, what makes Disruptor unique is his Glimpse and you are leaving that ability for last? You prefer to increase 0.5 seconds of Kinetic Field over 400 range on Glimpse, which is just a terrible choice. I guess you can level Thunder Strike too, but if your purpose is to harass, then maybe you should choose another support hero. Also, if you plan on getting big items such Aghanim's Scepter and Shiva's, you should be the one making the pulls and trying to get some last hits in the jungle, instead of harassing in the lane.

Finally, are you really suggesting that your starting items shouldn't include any type of HP regen??
Ungwe | February 28, 2014 7:18pm
As i saind, it's kind of an harrass build...maybe i'll add the one with glimpse maxed out first tomorrow :)

Peppo o paccio immagino tu sia italiano =)

complimenti per le tue build, seguo solo quelle praticamente
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 28, 2014 5:17pm
Why are you leaving his best skill last? 99% of the time I max Glimpse first, as it not only prevents Heroes like Storm Spirit and Clockwerk from initiating but it's also a valid form of setup for lanemates like Tiny or even Kunkka if you time it well. Being able to Glimpse back an enemy from a distance always makes you land a good Kinetic Field, too.
Ungwe | February 28, 2014 4:10pm
yeah, i like to harrass a lot...if you wanna play defensive it's probably best to let thunderstrike back instead of glimpse...kinetic field it's too important though :D....any suggestion on how to better the guide with images and skill/item description? i cant understand it
Timminatorr (57) | February 28, 2014 3:55pm
personally i really dont agree with maxing thunder strike AND kinetic field over glimpse. it is just such a good ability and you wont always reach level 14 on time.
personally i would max it first with 1 level in thunder strike.
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