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She can keep up 4 passive stacks permanently just by spamming Q and W with 2 mana regen items.
That's a total of +340 attack speed, 950 attack range, and almost max movement speed. Carry Lina is no joke.
She can keep up 4 passive stacks permanently just by spamming Q and W with 2 mana regen items.
That's a total of +340 attack speed, 950 attack range, and almost max movement speed. Carry Lina is no joke.
I think we could do the Bloodthorn + Scythe of Vyse on Line, she is int, have a stun so you reach bloodthorn full duration, she has an atack steroid, and then this 2 itens would give her mana regen to keep spamming Q and W.The only trouble seems to be her second stun is difficult to land without euls.What do you think hamster ?
I'm thinking of scrapping Euls completely. The Euls cast range is too short to initiate with it alone and there are other alternatives to set up Light Strike Array : Blink Dagger and Rod of Atos. Both have much shorter cooldowns.
- Rod of Atos into Hurricane Pike : a build that was used on Silencer a lot, it has really good positioning and chase. Atos sets up LSA with a 1000 initiation range (1600 with force).
- Blink Dagger into Orchid Malevolence : a very glass cannon build but it's the best to use LSA on a short cooldown, like e.g Sven. The great thing with rushing blink is that with that she doesn't need Euls whatsoever. Blink-stun is better than Euls-stun because better initiation range and cooldown.
The only slight downside is the lack of early mana regen but a pair of Arcane Boots takes care of that. Arcanes are the only good boots on Lina anyways (it's either that or brown boots).
Eul's is still too good to pass up on Lina because of manaregen and self cyclone, as well as cyclone for setup/escape. The only similar item is Linken's, but it's 2k more gold, whereas you can easily get Phase-Bottle-Blight-Eul's 11 mins in if you had a good lane, which is way better than walking with a naked Perseverance.
Also if you still have some doubt about Phase vs Arcanes on this hero, launch a lobby and check how fast will you take the mid t1 down with 4-1-2-1 and just Phase-Null-Blight in your inventory.
If you leave mid you just lose your tower, even with shrines nearby it's pretty big.
I'm not even talking about how much faster you farm with Phase if you don't mindlessly spam Q and just cast lvl 1 LSA to keep the stacks up(this includes ancients which are all easily farmable, golems being a bit tougher).
Having trouble with mana? Get some clarities, they can be used when farming and give 190 mp for 50 gold, 190 mp is 2 LSAs which is 2 regular camps or 1 ancient camp, both of which give way more than 50 gold... well, basically the same logic applies as with ferrying yourself salves.
Euls can't initiate properly anymore because of the terrible cast range, you don't have 175 mana in the early game to do your combo, and it has a pretty long cooldown unlike blink.
Euls is still good when you need to use it defensively. But I think it got downgraded from core to situational against silence / soft disables.
Besides, this is an Atos patch.
You have a 200 mana talent at level 10 and then a cast range talent at level 15 both of which you take 99% of the time.
You are not supposed to initiate fights with 900 HP anyway, and in ganks you can get it off most of the time, especially if you have Fiery Soul stacks up, a 450 ms Lina coming out of the trees/smoke leaves very little time to react to(and it's not like you see her before it's already too late).
Atos gives no manaregen and that's the main turnoff of that item. Manaregen alone(which is not even nearly enough, btw) is not the reason to get Arcanes over Phase which are vastly superior in every way.
The only alternative I see besides Linken's rush(which I think is bad for already stated reasons) is Orchid, and a 9 min Oblivion Staff is almost as good as 11 min Eul's because of crazy damage you get. Still, that's a super risky item to get on this hero, even though Bloodthorn is a dream item for Lina. I'll definitely try this though.
Thanks for chiming in, guys. Glad to see some discussion being generated. My thoughts:
Phase Boots. I have not tried these much, to be honest. Maybe I'll fall in love with them. In my current build, however, it would put my Agh's significantly behind, but I might also be over-valuing that item in a lot of games.
Rod of Atos. The fact that this is only a root is a big turn-off for me, but maybe I need to give it more of a chance. The utility of Eul's is hard to beat, though (i.e., making yourself invulnerable or purging off silence).
Orchid Malevolence. I need to experiment with this more as well. The only time I've ever bought it is when I outright bought a Bloodthorn because I was so filthy rich. The silence isn't a big attraction since, within your combo, they're already going to be locked down. That means its mostly a damage item. But if I want damage and I'm not in a position to get Bloodthorn, I'd rather just have a Daedalus or MKB.
Dont you think it is difficult to land her stun with Blink Dagger ? it seems people will only walk away from it.I would love to jump euls although, building silence can give her straight damage potential.For general tankness she can build a drums(Gives mana regen now, tankness and synergy with you extra AS and MS).
Rod of Athos seems to work on her now, coupled with hurricane pike she can be very tank early on, although i wouldn´t build bloodthorn because you would be too much bkb prone.
But all those seems great ways to play Lina, Euls + Aether lens is boring and counterable as hell, good job hamster, need to test it out
Heroes can juke LSA because of cast range issues. For example if they're running away from you, you need to aim LSA *behind* them, and you can't do that because of the low cast range. But since you use dagger you can always aim it at the perfect spot, so those issues go away. Radius is 225 which is more than the distance travelled by a hero in 0.5 seconds (and that's even assuming you're aiming where he is instead of where he's going which you shouldn't do anyways). Cast point is 0.5 so even mobile heroes can't react in time (e.g Blink cast point is 0.4, and human reaction time is way more than 0.1 second).
And for the sake of all that is holy among the dota gods don't buy drum on Lina...drum is literally just a Bracer now, it's the most cost-inefficient item in the game and it does nothing more than its parts. If you want mana regen there's always the casual Sage's Mask or Void Stone to go into bloodthorn or sheep later. Want 6 strength and 50% mana regen, on top of team utility? Get an Urn of Shadows. #worstiteminthegame
If you have Mobility and mana regen from blink and Orchid, what about Veil of Discord ? The item gives you tankness and tons of int, also amplify your damage.Sure you will need 10 fingers to do everything right
Amusing, and potentially powerful, but my question is, "when"? Do I skip my core items to do this? If I don't skip my core items, I'm in the late game by the time I have both of these, and maximizing my right-click or my disables is probably a lot more consistently valuable.
This guide is good for carry lina but in pub she usually is treated like a damn hard support and she is never allowed to farm, you may say "it's pub dude it's the jungle rule" but even in such place lina can not carry like any other carry heroes.
That's awesome, thanks for sharing. Do you ever build Orchid without the intention of building Bloodthorn? I couldn't think of many situations where Orchid would be worth building into instead of holding out for a Scythe of Vyse, so I didn't even mention Orchid in my Offensive Items list.
No, unless Orchid is the first 3k+ item you're gonna get, there is no reason to get it if you're not going to get Bloodthorn as your very next(or at most 2nd next) purchase.
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That's a total of +340 attack speed, 950 attack range, and almost max movement speed. Carry Lina is no joke.
That's a total of +340 attack speed, 950 attack range, and almost max movement speed. Carry Lina is no joke.
I think we could do the
The only slight downside is the lack of early mana regen but a pair of
Eul's is still too good to pass up on
If you leave mid you just lose your tower, even with shrines nearby it's pretty big.
I'm not even talking about how much faster you farm with Phase if you don't mindlessly spam Q and just cast lvl 1 LSA to keep the stacks up(this includes ancients which are all easily farmable, golems being a bit tougher).
Having trouble with mana? Get some clarities, they can be used when farming and give 190 mp for 50 gold, 190 mp is 2 LSAs which is 2 regular camps or 1 ancient camp, both of which give way more than 50 gold... well, basically the same logic applies as with ferrying yourself salves.
Euls is still good when you need to use it defensively. But I think it got downgraded from core to situational against silence / soft disables.
Besides, this is an Atos patch.
You are not supposed to initiate fights with 900 HP anyway, and in ganks you can get it off most of the time, especially if you have
Atos gives no manaregen and that's the main turnoff of that item. Manaregen alone(which is not even nearly enough, btw) is not the reason to get Arcanes over Phase which are vastly superior in every way.
The only alternative I see besides Linken's rush(which I think is bad for already stated reasons) is Orchid, and a 9 min
Rod of Athos seems to work on her now, coupled with hurricane pike she can be very tank early on, although i wouldn´t build bloodthorn because you would be too much bkb prone.
But all those seems great ways to play Lina, Euls + Aether lens is boring and counterable as hell, good job hamster, need to test it out
And for the sake of all that is holy among the dota gods don't buy drum on Lina...drum is literally just a