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Wanna play Slark right? Read on.

February 20, 2014 by YOURMOMSD
Comments: 12    |    Views: 6644    |   

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KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 23, 2014 8:04am
no T-UOP untill you add pro's and cons, friends and foes, ability details,item justification,special notes, have a long way to go slark-abuser.
YOURMOMSD | February 23, 2014 2:54am
Thumbs-up this already! xD :D
YOURMOMSD | February 23, 2014 2:54am
Here, my most recent match. If you can find a way to watch the entire video, watch it and you will see how I play.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 22, 2014 2:27pm
Just looked at this guide: while it seems pretty good I don't like some of your decisions. For example, starting with Boots of Speed: I'm usually open for all kind of new builds (including Boots first), but Slark doesn't benefit from it at all. Heroes like Juggernaut, Pudge or Ember Spirit can make the most out of them because they need to chase Heroes to deal damage, whereas with Slark you already have a very good gap closer - that also ignores creeps! - which semi-disables your target, too. If you want to chase more efficiently, you're better off with an Orb of Venom and some extra regen.

The other items are fine: Power Treads and Sange and Yasha is my usual build unless I get fed (in which case I go Shadow Blade, which is super fun), the Skull Basher is pretty common too, but I don't like the Mjollnir. Stats are generally better on him, as he can get extra attack speed and damage by just hitting other Heroes, especially because you can regen very quickly thanks to your ultimate: if I don't need a Black King Bar, I then go for an Eye of Skadi 90% of the time. Sometimes I get a Linken's Sphere when the enemies have BKB-piercing disables (and put it on my team's #1 carry most of the time), sometimes I disassemble the SnY and make a Heaven's Halberd, sometimes I go for a straight Butterfly. The point is that you should value survivability over damage, unless talking about the Abyssal Blade.

Also, I suggest maxing out Dark Pact by level 10 as the Essence Shift doesn't do much before you get extra attack speed; the extra nuke damage helps a lot in ganks, too.

But overall, this guide is really good as it promotes the usage of Sange and Yasha (a very underrated item after the buff) and gives priority to mobility rather than damage. I'm looking forward to the following updates!
YOURMOMSD | February 22, 2014 12:13pm
True, however Slark may pounce from the trees, making ganks amazing, and I actually like to Pounce dying invis. Rikis.
Ancient Hero (17) | February 22, 2014 10:10am
Use dotabuff, Shadow blade gives good initiation and you can use your ult to escape freely unless you get chrono'ed. I only get BKB if I have a serious problem with lockdown(mostly aoe) that I cant purge off with his q. It also makes ganking easier as you know for sure they cant see you unless there is an observer and sentry or a hero.
YOURMOMSD | February 22, 2014 1:41am
I don't know how to get the link, but I have the match ID. Match 533098764.
YOURMOMSD | February 22, 2014 1:27am
Personally, I don't like getting Shadow Blade or BKB, because Slarks ult is both, and better. Also, if you want to see a game, I'll give a link.
Ancient Hero (17) | February 20, 2014 3:39am
getting pact earlier is good against stunners or a trilane to purge it off and generally you wanna max pact first. THe extra time of essence shift doesnt help as much as the burst does since a fight is probably over in 30 seconds. Also as slark, you want stats, some more regen and a stout since youre squishy early on so like a stout, 2 branches, tangos and a salve. Get a skadi before basher since you have enough lockdown with slows and can purge any stun. BKB is always a good first/second item as well if you find that you are getting cced. Early basi ring is great since you will face any mana problems and even though its a pub item, shadow blade is pretty good. It lets you freely use your passive and gives a good initiation so your ulti can be an escape. I have pretty ****ty formatting so sorry about that.
YOURMOMSD | February 20, 2014 2:36am
Any thoughts? Please comment and ask if I should improve anything! Don't forget to vote-up!
YOURMOMSD | February 19, 2014 10:47pm
Sorry, but this guide is not complete. Please wait a little longer so I can finish it. Hang in there!
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