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18 Votes


October 15, 2013 by Numeta
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Numeta (27) | August 2, 2013 1:43pm
Mirror (22) | November 11, 2012 6:41pm
WOW! Numeta has a guild were he does not build armlet.
Sallomi (2) | October 29, 2012 5:22pm
true true, i'll vote up :)
Numeta (27) | October 24, 2012 10:47am
Well I could add a generic build of treads - shadow blade - bkb build since Shadow blade is considerably cheaper now. As for manta it is on my 2nd build order. However I will add blink dagger to a team comp reliant section. The reason I don't usually purchase blink or shadow blade on my refresher builds is due to the delay of buying refresher. I've found that a late game refresher isn't as devastating as a mid game refresher.

As for refresher it still adds 40 damage, and ultimately adds just as much damage as a tier 4 damage item would via double ultimate. And the added survivability of 2x BKB has to be calculated into damage output as well considering you can't do damage if you're dead. And it kinda works out to the enemy seeing my first BKB + ultimate chain reaction into them using BKB, so I can wait till their BKB is over and refresh ult again.
Sallomi (2) | October 24, 2012 7:43am
I do like the etheral (haters gonna hate) and i do think that refresher is kinda ok, but it has the same problem as refresher on say anti mage or juggernaut, your spending huge amounts of gold on an item that doesn't help you carry at all (similar with veil), but hey.

Also, i think that manta blink and shadow blade (only is good as you remain invisible during the cast time of requiem) should be at least situational, you admited it yourself, even you get it ocasionaly.
Numeta (27) | October 17, 2012 2:35am
Um the third build is basically like this.

I'll have double BKB and double ult so spell damage will never an issue. Then I'll have Shivas to give me a **** ton of armor of top of what I already have making me a tank against physical as well. I'll be un-killable pretty much. A big perk to Shivas is that I can Shiva's then Requiem of souls twice. The slow of shivas and the ult helps insure that the enemies can't run far away from my ultimate adds for some insane AoE damage.
wilddeonpwn (102) | October 17, 2012 2:13am
I like it lol, mostly cos it is sing sing style. Phase on every hero, hell yeah
LiLPr0 (9) | October 17, 2012 2:04am
3rd build? ES pseudo build?
SkyneT800 (1) | October 14, 2012 5:06pm
Pretty sure you've gone full ****** with the 3rd build...
Numeta (27) | October 14, 2012 2:51pm
Added a new caster build and a video showcasing said build. Added a new experimental build I'm working on and I put a little effort into explaining some logic behind the items. <
Video of The Dark Lord build
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