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4 Votes

Viper, The Hard Carry

April 22, 2015 by Aziz Ansari
Comments: 3    |    Views: 29579    |   

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Blubbles (13) | April 23, 2015 2:17pm
If you are playing true hard carry you will be the kind of hero who is farming heroes, not creeps. Therefore, Mjollnir is lower tier on his item list. AC, Midas, etc… make better AS items for a "hard Carry" imo. Or better of with Butterfly Aghs Mek como.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | April 21, 2015 8:26pm
True, shunned it when I read hard carry.
Playing viper as #1 is OKAY sometimes, but he is not THAT good to deserve a #1. He makes a hell of a #2 though.
apaz (17) | April 21, 2015 2:42am
The moment I saw "Hard Carry," I thought "Oh, god..."

However, I think that you cleared it up in the intro. It goes against your very playstyle, but I really like the Aghanim's Scepter/ Mekansm build. You actually get good damage, and since Aghanim's Scepter gives so much HP, and Mekansm so much armor, you end up being crazy tanky. Then, I usually transition into your carry with a Manta Style and perhaps a Butterfly. You need raw hp, though. Your Strength growth is way too low to not buy HP. Corrosive Skin and Mekansm makes buying HP efficient anyway.

Btw, the guide has a little bit of formatting issues so look at the formatting guide. However, the guide still worked, because it was, unlike most other guides, intelligent.
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