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66 Votes

Viper: The Guide to Carrie Mid.... OP

March 7, 2012 by Statiko
Comments: 25    |    Views: 148519    |   

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Communist | October 19, 2012 3:13am
Well, I often take the Helm as well because of its Lifesteal ability
wilddeonpwn (102) | October 2, 2012 12:57am
Sir Auron wrote:

Check out my viper guide for a more detailed version!

Don't advertise your guide on other guides, also don't say it's better, it's not.
Sir Auron | October 2, 2012 12:45am
Check out my viper guide for a more detailed version!
Lightclaw | September 23, 2012 6:47am
I Like This guide a lot
juxtapose519 | September 6, 2012 10:27am
Have to agree with amigosu that this guide is a little short and lacking a lot of detail. There are a ton of other guides with similar item and stat builds that do a much better job than tell you to "full dive" and "get that juicy first blood".
Schwex23 | September 3, 2012 7:30am
I followed every step and my 1st game in dota 2 with viper was like 19/1 , THANK YOU MAN!
amigosu | August 11, 2012 8:50am
I can't believe this guide has 81% of approval.
1- There's no skill explanation or discussion about skill order.
2- There's no discussion on the item build, other items that you can buy like Bottle for example.
3- It is poorly written.
4- It has just one build.
5- All you say in your text is go for first blood, do last hits and try to own.
6- Viper is good mid solo hero, but he can perform well soloing the sides lane if you team are jungling or have a tri-lane, and he can share a lane to.
7- No discussion when is a good idea to get viper when it is not.
8- Most dota players know what to do when they are owning, but just a few have a backup plan to rise after a bad start.
madestro | August 9, 2012 8:55am
This is such an awesome build !!! I just randomed him in a AP match and got "stuck" on mid because nobody else wanted it and just followed this guide's build. Didn't even have time to properly read it until after the game. Viper owns ! And I am a n00b, I didn't even dominate my lane or anything like that. Granted the other team was way too n00bish (Ursa laning with only vlads the whole game ?) but still this was the first game in my life I've ever played viper. Pic for proof not for bragging.

Thank you so much !! I would love for you to expand a bit more on how to play him in a side lane or how to aproach teamfights but overall is a great guide for a beginner like myself.
were-wolf_93 | August 7, 2012 9:04am
amazing job first time playing dota two and tried viper great guide went 11 and 2 which is good for a beginner lol keep it up
Skyliteh | July 19, 2012 1:46pm
Panarchy | July 14, 2012 7:19pm
13/3/11 on first game with viper with this build. I could finally afford the fancy items and then some. Definitely OP.
rEALLYnOOB | July 13, 2012 3:41am
Viper is simply too OP in the mid lane. Uber harass with DoT, blocks salves for like 2 secs. And if the guy is an idiot, he will pop the salve during the DoT. AND u have an amazing 40% slow orb effect which doesnt pull creep aggro. My build is somewhat similar but I get poison atk at lvl 3 then max it. Anyways, gd guide!! +1
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