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6 Votes

Viper, The Aura Carrier Arrives

February 16, 2016 by Croofe
Comments: 5    |    Views: 36781    |   

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kianmir | March 10, 2016 1:24am
Hello, your guide is very well-formatted, with interesting items BUT the fact that viper lost his auto-attacking features is wrong. a mek was always core for viper. a greaves was always a option for viper. you didnt introduce anything new in this guide. the aura-carrier viper was popular from long times ago. i just played a 24/3/5 viper last night. it needed only a mek, agh's and a simple power treads to work. i couldnt get kills in the lane because of a bounty-hunter, but our lane had both a stun, and a throw(you know im talking about tiny). in short, aura-carrying has to be less than building carry items
like a butterfly after mek
Eon_Theory (2) | February 14, 2016 5:59pm
Well formatted guide with an interesting premise, nice content, although there isn't much of it.

Completely rejecting Aghanim's Scepter as an item choice in any situation seems a bit harsh, though, it has a strong place against some heroes. (i.e. Sven, Wraith King, Lifestealer)
who lack mobility without Blink Dagger, and with Aghanim's, become very easily kited. Regardless a good and modern guide, +1.
ashwinthegrim (7) | February 11, 2016 8:10am
I really like this guide..

I think Viper has kinda evolved from the traditional right clicking tank to more of a sustain focused hero with a strong right click. So, building aura items really helps. I like the early Drum of Endurance to make up for the lack of Power Treads. I also love the Assault Cuirass pickup, which seems like a natural choice for a tanky hero like Viper, yet is rarely picked up on the hero.

One thing I don't like about your skill build is that you take Poison Attack at 2. I feel that leaving it at 1, and maxing out Corrosive Skin and Nethertoxin would be a better choice, since corrosive makes Viper the tank that he is, and Nethertoxin would likely be superior in teamfights when a lot of enemy heroes are low. 1 point in your orb should be sufficient to orb walk a kill.

Overall, solid guide.. +1
apaz (17) | February 9, 2016 1:30pm
The content isn't the best and there isn't much of it, but I don't really care.

The formatting is amazing, thus you have made a quality guide.

Solid gold ****, M8.
michimatsch (26) | February 5, 2016 7:57am
You should revise the grammar a bit. Just copy it into word and correct the mistakes.
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