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Maxing your E also make you a less desiderable target for harassing, and you can easly punish evryone who dare moving to your part of the river.
For Tensin: shadowBlade it's not an escape mecanism! :) (unless you find poor opponent ofc!XD)
It is better, not only for you but also for the team. It costs a tiny bit more and gives a little less health regeneration, (but this is not what you build a Vanguard for anyway). It does give you 5 of every stat and 5 armor, which is a lot better than an 80% chance to block 20 damage. Thanks to the active the mekansm essentially also gives you 250 effective HP, so nothing is lost there.
The main benefit of the mekansm though is that it is better the earlier you get it. If you play Viper (mid, or offlane, wherever), you will be the one taking the last hits. (Or your lineup is terrible). Essentially you will be able to get it much earlier than any support can and for early pushes or early defence it is a fantastic item. It also makes sure that your supports have more gold, so they can spend more on "common support items" like wards, or other utility items (Force Staff, Aghs etc. )
So essentially it does what a Vanguard does, except that it offers more in terms of armor, stats and what it does for the team.
Here's some more suggestions for this guide.
In my opinion, the best way of laning
I will have to agree with the comments about
After getting
Something unorthodox which I sometimes do is getting a
Another Viper build which I sometimes use is getting
I have seen Viper played in so many different ways with such a broad variety of item builds. Lets use a what if, HoT costs a lot of money and you may very well have a rough start and it could take you forever to finally get the cash. If things are going well then why not but on your average public game chances are you would need the little items in-between to help you reach the stage where you are killing enough to have decent cash.
The poor man's shield is actually a decent idea as it can keep you alive for long enough till you get Aghanim's or some other item. Viper also rides the early game and being farm focused to rush HoT is not the best idea. Most games though I can usually pull it up by about 35 mins which is not too bad coupled with the other items in the pool.
As my opinion I feel that if you play viper as a DPS carry you are doing this character a great disservice as he is better played another way.
This is one of the hundreds of builds that people go for, this is one that has worked for me and some of my gaming buddies were curious as what to more or less go for.
FYI - In light of trying things, skipped the whole HoT stage and it seemed okish.
For the rest, I'm very interested in your comments on tranquils. I do spend early cash on heals and I always seem to have either too much or not enough, depending on what I'm facing. Tranquils mean you always have enough and it combines with your boots slot to ensure you have room for the other upgrades that you'll (hopefully) be farming in like mad. Something I will try, we'll see how it goes.
Hard lane? Get Tranquils
Not a hard lane? Get Treads.
So yes I agree treads are the better choice but each variety of build is situational and I have in some instances skipped the Vangaurd phase altogether but have found it more helpful to help you pull through mid game team fights.
This was my most recent game with Viper.
Like the guide stresses he isn't hard to play or build items for. This is for people who are just curious or new to how viper is played/built
Let's see how will it come out though.