Viper - Shift Tab Steam Mini Guide
October 9, 2012
Pros / Cons
Slows Enemy Movement
Fast Kills
Can Easily Carry
Versatile, can be a great slow or pusher
Deals damage while being attacked, good for single lane farm or pushing
Squishy with low armour to start
If off to a bad start can be fatal late game
Often KS's team mates with poison over time effect
Basic Summary
Start Game
As Viper the ideal place to be is mid, his long range poison attacks are extremely useful for denying, last hitting and generally harassing enemy heroes. Use tango's whenever you think you need to as honestly..even a single death at this stage could ruin your whole game as the winged carry from hell. First blood can be achieved at level 6 if you slow your enemy once you let them push towards your tower, if they arent stupid enough to fall for this dont worry, other heroes in other lanes can easily be slowed and killed with your poison.
Mid Game (Ganking Phase)
Depending on who the other heroes are at this stage (for example if your team has Pudge or other great lane gankers do not move except to assist or slow.) then you should be ganking by level 8 or so. Depending on how well you did in mid or if that fails, side lanes, then you should get your power treads in this stage. Personally i recommend keeping them on intelligence to gain the mana you need until you have decent regen (level 16 or so) but this varies from person to person. After this go straight for your shadow blade..while controversial this item gives a great escape and initial damage to your poison attack (bonus 150 damage i wouldn't say no to) while also providing a great chasing advantage. I would build it starting with a quarter staff (the bonus attack speed and damage are REALLY helpful for getting that poison in as fast as possible)
Late Game (Push and kill!)
If you have a few carries then great! its time to push towers with your excellent passive (E) skill, if not...damn. better get some kills, you are going to need that hyperstone. Hyperstone is possibly the BEST item for viper past the shadow blade; with no cooldown on your poison (Q) or your passive (W) it creates insane damage and a permanent slow until they die or simply get out of range. Assault curiuss is of great asset for this same reason as well as bonus armour, but first we have to build your agility items :) this are great for a short burst of damage for that enemy that is running away and has invis or force staff or simply to initate a team fight. By the time you get hyperstone you should be unstoppable. If the enemy buys a gem or sentry wards to stop you... build a manta style. That triple poison, confusing enemies and escape with shadow blade is perfect for viper especially with diffusion blades mana drain :). GG :D
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