viper mid to late game hard carry
April 5, 2012
Starting out
I could tell you all the back story to Viper or how his moves work but if I have to tell you that, click the little x in the upper right hand corner of the window and go outside. Viper is a beefy late game carry with the proper farming. Tank viper is always going to beat a dps viper any day of the week. I Will try to solo lane mid if possible with the group build otherwise, I prefer to go bottom if I'm radiant or top if I'm dire so I don't have to worry about being ganked in their jungle. I have been running bot this week with a support/push Leshrac which is great because he can focus on stacking the bottom pack of mobs in the jungle which provides larges boosts of gold and xp early on. Once you purchase the starting items you should only be going back to base when your dead. The tangos and clarities give plenty of staying power in the lane and with vipers poison attack, he is excellent at harassing the other players. For the first ten minutes of the game you are going to want to focus on last hits and harassing the players opposite you. I don't like to push for the early gank unless it is a 100% guaranteed gank or they are newbs and my harassing kills them. Remember STAY IN LANE use the courier your support class should have bought and soak up all the xp and gold you can as fast as you can.
I pick up poison attack first thing because of its low mana cost, it makes an excellent harassment tool. It is also good for last hits too if your timing is off, the dot effect makes your last hit timing a little more forgiving. Now I know some of you will scream over my picking up and maxing out corrosive skin and nether toxin before poison attack and my reasoning is this. For the first ten levels of the game I use poison attack almost strictly as a harassment tool unless the gank presents itself. Since I'm playing for the mid-late game carry having the high burst dps in the beginning isn't as important however, corrosive skin maxed out before level ten will allow you to literally stand in waves of creeps and they will all kill themselves hitting you which makes for amazing gold generation as well as the fact that most melee hero's will deal 50%-75% of their life in damage if they commit to ganking you with corrosive skin leveled up first. Depending on the hero types I'm going against in lane I will switch which way I level nether toxin or corrosive skin first. By level ten you should have vanguard as well as your hood which will make you a beast to kill especially against casters. After level ten I will dump every level into poison attack and viper strike when possible and everything after level 16 goes into stats.
late game carry
I am writing this at work so if it seems a little hurried I am sorry, I will try to correct anything I can later. In the late game, you should have your tank items, boots as well as a scepter or which other items you may have needed to aquire. You will be a beast now, your poison attack should be used on every attack against hero's, as well as viper strike when its off cool down and with the scepter its a 125 mana cost and a 12 second cool down so it does great in team fights. With all this you are still vulnerable to getting gang banged so I suggest using your range to your advantage. This means staying behind your melee hero's. Remember your bonus damage hits harder the lower the hp of the target is. Pick your targets carefully, you probably don't want to go toe to toe with a geared out Ursa even with the gear you have(unless you bought blade mail) My experience shows a lot of people ignore viper because he doesn't have any big flashy looking moves and all people really see is him standing there auto-attacking which is perfect for us. Use your personal threat assessment to pick your targets, I could spell it out for you but its far to situation dependent. At this point in the match you will be able to soak up a lot of hit's from people of equal gear and level which allows you to stay in the middle of big team fights as long as your aware of your teams mates and when it's smart to push the attack or when to run away. Now your set to carry your team to the win. Have fun and remember it's all about the poison in theirs eyes!
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