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Viper All-round Agressive Solo

May 10, 2016 by Pixblade
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Viper Solo lane

DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Predator (Innate)

Poison Attack

1 3 7 10


5 8 13 14

Corrosive Skin

2 4 9 12

Viper Strike

6 11 16


15 17 18

The solo-farm for your items

WARNING: This build works only if you solo a lane. It's also recomended you practice this build in a bot-match.

Power Treads should be finished around level 4/5.
Aghanim's scepter has to be finished at level 11.
Sange and Yasha should be finnished at level 14/15.
Desolator must be finnished at level 17.
Heart of Tarasque should be finished at level 19/20/21.
NOTE: The match is normaly almost over when you have your Heart of Tarrasque.
Maelsrom is needed to slay the enemy creeps quicker, making it easier to push.
This build allows you to solo-push a lane.
NOTE: You can start ganking once you've gotten your Sange and Yasha.

With these items, you've become a true 1V1 tank, and it is even possible to win against two enemies. Once you start replacing your items, you begin trolling with your Shadow Blade/Silver Edge and Boots of Travel. The Mjolnir ugrade won't be used that much, but it can be quite useful sometimes. The Daedelus is for more damage. NEVER sell your Agghanim's scepter! Its cast range and mana reduction are a certan help!

Solo mid and (maybe) getting first blood

Solo a lane
Make sure you're almost ALWAYS at YOUR side of the river. If you're on the dire side (radiant if you play direside), keep close to the stairs' top corner. Once the enemy appears, use your Poison attack once or twice every 10 seconds. If the enemy goes out of sight, cancel your attack. Once you have your ultimate, Viper Strike, keep using this attack pattern until the enemy's HP is below 50%. Go around like your going to check the top rune, come back over the river (or the enemy's teritory if you want to be secure), Use your ultimate and spam your Poison Attack. It slows the enemy ALOT, so you have the time to attack. If the enemy decides to make a counterattack, your Corosive Skin got your back. If the enemy decides to run, its a kill, or the lane is all yours.
Go first for the ranged creeps and when you see an enemy creep almost dead, make sure you get the last hit. Never stand in the river when the enemy is in the lane. Its also a realy easy way to get the First Blood.

1V1 or teamfights

Battle 1V1
WARNING: Never set Poison Attack on auto-fire.
NOTE: Don't lane against Sniper! If he's your enemy, ask to switch. This build will no longer be usefull. However, your skills are fine this way. The attack patterns down below can still be applied.

This gives you an instant win against almost EVERY mellee hero!
First, you make sure the other enemy heroes are in the other lanes.
Then you use your ultimate and START SPAMMING POISON ATTACK!!!
Vipers ultimate is very powerfull in the beginning, but later in the game you're more happy with the slowing than the damage.
NOTE: This is during mid- and end-game.

Being a tank is an importaint role in teamfights, due to your magic resistance. Viper Strike the enemy with the most percentage HP and spam Poison Attack on the lowest. When you're under 20% of your total health, retreat and wait closeby to let your Heart of Tarasque heal you. Once back at 75%, get back in the fight. DON'T tank until fully healed. Fun fact: Don't worry about mana! Viper has more than he needs!

Not so important but plz read

Hi there! Thanks fir reading my very first DOtA 2 build!
As you've probably seen, it's not very well made if I say so myself, so i'd like you to commend me with something I've done good, and something that needs improvement. I have updatet this build 3 times with the oppinion of my family and friends (yes, I have a life! :D).
With that all being sayed, I hope to expand thus build to one of the best builds out there, so I'm asking EVERYONES oppinion! I don't play that much heroes, but i'll be working on new builds, like Pudge (current level: Meh), Slark (current level: Noob) and Riki (current level: OK). This build? I'd say: Well build.

Thank you for your attentoin!

BTW, here is the level scale based on my experience:
2noob4plays-->Noob-->Meh-->OK-->nice-->Well build-->WAAAW-->3PRO5U-->FOR THE CHAMPS!

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