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400 crit, reduce to 100, but it will still hurt thier measly 1.2k compared to your 2.5k
I also don't see the point of getting a Poor Man's Shield in general on Axe. You can manage with just the Stout pre-Vanguard, especially if you are jungling. Being forced to dissemble Poor Man Shield's is not only awkward but it also forces you to loss 150g on the Slippers of Agility used to make the item. And if you're not dissembling PMS and just selling it for Vanguard, you're losing even more gold (275g).
Lastly, I can't really recommend Drum of Endurance on Axe. Don't get me wrong; Drum is a borderline overpowered item that goes well on basically anyone. But on Axe, who should have Tranquil Boots/Vanguard/Blink Dagger/Town Portal Scrolls up first, the Drum arguably comes a bit too late.
Despite the above criticisms, I am still +1'ing this/+Rep'ing you. Your Axe is on the right track.
P.S. One more thing; you have seen this ( right? Mammoth Axe play by iceiceice vs Absolute Legends, short and sweet.