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34 Votes

Versatility in one word-Abaddon

September 19, 2013 by Wulfstan
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idolevko | July 4, 2016 12:30pm
should u combain mekansm and arcan boots to create guardian greaves?
Wulfstan (77) | September 1, 2016 9:54am
idolevko wrote:
should u combain mekansm and arcan boots to create guardian greaves?

Yes, most definately. Damn, this guide is overdue for updating. Maybe I will update it some time soon.
stupid you | December 26, 2015 12:31am
ilike abandon
J-A-C-K-P-O-T | October 6, 2015 7:02pm
good guide so far.
i have 1 question...

do you really play Abaddon as a carry without BOOTS ?!

Can you upgrade your guide please? that would be awesome.
you re going for tranquil boots or threads ?
or maybe boots of speed and later the boots of travel ?
Blubbles (13) | July 15, 2015 7:31pm
I dont like this build tbh. Its too expensive. You're better off getting Tranquil Boots and Soul Ring. Burst mana for spamming Shield, and Mist coil doesnt break Tranqs so you can spam it on heroes to heal. Also just make core item greaves.
Datdaemon | October 18, 2014 5:25am
While Axe, Lina and Lion are nasty, you are forgetting some other major heroes capable of laying down the hurt, namely Nyx (Both his ult and l5 dagon hurt),Doom (Unless they changed the interaction with the semi-passive activation in 6.82) and Ancient Apparition.
AA is probably his biggest counter, as not only can Ice Blast kill through Borrowed time, you dont heal from any damage AT ALL while Frostbite is active. Speaking from research and experience here. In addition nothing can Purge it, so if you get AA ulted and your ult pops before frostbite wears off, you are as good as gone. Moreso if AA bought Aghs.
Remembered another thing, just a suggestion, Sometimes a Soul Ring can really help, since Shield and Coil can bring down his mana fast early, which can be disastrous in a teamfight if you need to purge an ally. in addition, sometimes the damage from Coil wont quite kill you, so popping ring then coiling can usually guarantee a successful deny. Just a situational suggestion. Anyway, Excellent guide!
.lnk | September 20, 2013 1:16am
Versatility already is one word sir!
Wulfstan (77) | September 4, 2013 10:56am
T1mmay wrote:

Euls Scepter is white. :p
Just being picky, it's a great guide.
Question about the mechanics of his ultimate. If you get hit at 600hp for 400 damage, would you go to 200hp and then the ultimate would activate, or would it damage you for 200 and then heal you for 200 as his ultimate activates mid way through the damage?

You go down to 200 and then the ult pops.This is to allow Lina and Lion killing him with their ults, and later some other heroes.
T1mmay (6) | September 1, 2013 6:29am
Euls Scepter is white. :p
Just being picky, it's a great guide.
Question about the mechanics of his ultimate. If you get hit at 600hp for 400 damage, would you go to 200hp and then the ultimate would activate, or would it damage you for 200 and then heal you for 200 as his ultimate activates mid way through the damage?
sulaxrox (6) | September 1, 2013 5:01am
Up vote, outstanding guide, simply put this is how the hero is intended to be played.
I'd still say even if there is a natural Mek ferrier on the team, Abaddon is still probably the better choice, as he's almost always more survivable, thus more reliable to get in those crucial heals, and still be able to toss out his shield and heal/nuke.
Wulfstan (77) | July 16, 2013 6:24am
TangoNCash wrote:

Excellent Guide. I generally think the max-aphotic shield build is the way to go for Abbers

A few tips:

1) If your team has a natural mek carrier (A necrolyte, Silencer or similar, and or if you're playing a 3 or 4 role, I think urn-phase-drum-vlad is the way to go for your item progression. With 2 mana regen items and a decent INT item like drum, I rarely find myself at a loss for mana.

2) You can spam aphotic shield on your allied creeps to help pushes. Throw a few out and you're like a low-rent Dark Seer.

3) I almost always get Shiva's Guard as my first luxury item. If the game goes super late you can disassemble it and turn it into a Assault Cuirass and Scythe of Vyse.

4) The best defense against Axe is a force staff.

The Axeman cannot be outrunned my friend.I know that from personal experience.Just pop your ult before you hit 600 HP or less.
Abby doesn't have mana problems.That's the beauty of it, the shield only goes up with 5 mana per level, and the Mist Coil is 75 at all levels.
TangoNCash (3) | July 16, 2013 4:57am
Excellent Guide. I generally think the max-aphotic shield build is the way to go for Abbers

A few tips:

1) If your team has a natural mek carrier (A necrolyte, Silencer or similar, and or if you're playing a 3 or 4 role, I think urn-phase-drum-vlad is the way to go for your item progression. With 2 mana regen items and a decent INT item like drum, I rarely find myself at a loss for mana.

2) You can spam aphotic shield on your allied creeps to help pushes. Throw a few out and you're like a low-rent Dark Seer.

3) I almost always get Shiva's Guard as my first luxury item. If the game goes super late you can disassemble it and turn it into a Assault Cuirass and Scythe of Vyse.

4) The best defense against Axe is a force staff.
PepeuSlayer | July 15, 2013 1:19pm
Pepeu, its more of a feeling.What I mean is that you have to turn on Borrowed Time manually when you think the enemy Lion, Lina, or even Axe would try to ult.Agaist Axe I recommend turning on ult manually before you reach the 600 threshold.

Thanks dude!
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