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4 Votes

Venomancer - The Durable Team Fighter

August 19, 2012 by riOrizOr
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NotSureIf (16) | August 29, 2012 3:49pm
What I can recommend you do is reconstruct the skill build so you have that 1 level in Gale for the slow and start to max your Poison Sting and Plague Wards. As BliTxXeN said above, Venomancer is not under any circumstances supposed to be built as a tank (due to the array of other heroes that can fulfill that role). Venomancer can take advantage of his Plague Wards early game to raze towers, getting your team that money that is so desperately needed. It's a similar case to maxing Crystal Maiden's slow, maxing Gale doesn't increase the slow, just the damage. You don't really require the kills as Venomancer, those kills are better off in the hands of your carry. All in all I can't say I agree with this guide either, but whatever floats your boat.
Blitxxen (7) | August 21, 2012 8:10am
All I know is that venomancer is all that but a tanker. Plague wards at lvl 22 is simply null stupid. Blademail only works (or works much efficiently) with high HP heroes, venomancer is not the case. -1
riOrizOr | August 20, 2012 4:30am
I would say try that build first before you doom it. If you want these wards so bad then just play basic stuff, but still in my opinion its too weak and has a lower efficiency. Wards deal some damage, yes but still you are not there to carry that match. Just try to stay alife, help your mates in aoe and counter enemy carrys with your high surviveability.
I have a win rate from about 65 % since i play that build and i just can highly recommend it.
StevenLK (10) | August 19, 2012 11:37pm
The fact that plague wards are incredibly weak late game but boast 32 damage when maxed is the reason why you want to get them early. When you play heroes you have to abuse their good points and make up for their weak points. A cheap, attacking ward is one of his good points.
wilddeonpwn (102) | August 19, 2012 11:18pm
Wtf horrible no ward...
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