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I like the way rhe second build went. I love playing veno as a ganker, especially with a ranged hero/carry. Sniper and windrunner are my faborites, they get an easy kill every time. Somethings you might want to consider are phase boots, so you can get in and pop that ulty, then force staff urself outta there. With the scepter and good team play anybody affected by ur ulty is now dead. Shadow blade is another item to shoot for instead of phase boots. Same story, pop the ulty then force staff out. It can be done. Ive had shadow blade treads aghanims and almost a butterfly before
TBH I never stick to one specific build when roaming, more levels in poison sting is a safer choice as damage casused by gales are dependant on hitting gales.....which can be quite challenging for new veno players. The initial reason I don't go level 3 so early is simply because their is no gain in strike damage, which is quite noticeable at early levels.
I don't know man, you point and click (very fast projectile speed), if you get within 500~ range it's usually a straight shot.
Still +Rep/+1, this is pretty much standard Venomancer.
TBH I never stick to one specific build when roaming, more levels in poison sting is a safer choice as damage casused by gales are dependant on hitting gales.....which can be quite challenging for new veno players. The initial reason I don't go level 3 so early is simply because their is no gain in strike damage, which is quite noticeable at early levels.
+1 - simple all around build for this hero, and played as he should be.
Only question - for build 2 (roaming build) why get 2 points of poison sting, rather than 3 points of gale? mana cost and damage? does level 2 poison sting really do more damage than level 3 gale?
If so - why not just get 3 levels of poison sting?
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
TBH I never stick to one specific build when roaming, more levels in poison sting is a safer choice as damage casused by gales are dependant on hitting gales.....which can be quite challenging for new veno players. The initial reason I don't go level 3 so early is simply because their is no gain in strike damage, which is quite noticeable at early levels.
I don't know man, you point and click (very fast projectile speed), if you get within 500~ range it's usually a straight shot.
Still +Rep/+1, this is pretty much standard
Only question - for build 2 (roaming build) why get 2 points of poison sting, rather than 3 points of gale? mana cost and damage? does level 2 poison sting really do more damage than level 3 gale?
If so - why not just get 3 levels of poison sting?