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10 Votes

Vengeful spirit and how it should be played

August 10, 2012 by Slithereen
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Deadeye - DOTA 2 | June 27, 2013 10:36pm should mention that VS and Drow are made for each other.
Deadeye - DOTA 2 | June 27, 2013 1:37pm
Slithereen wrote:

Would be nice to have inputs instead of just downvoting

At a basic level, this is a good guide that is based around the concept of a hard support VS. The problem I have with it is that it doesn't address two things specific to VS. His ultimate is a team fight winner when used properly. And the Aura plus armor debuff provides the second half of a great advantage in those team fights.

However, swap should not be a suicide mission. Because then you lose your damage bonus and armor. But it should also not be ignored completely in lieu of living. Instead the item build should support the succesful use of Swap and still surviving to continue contributing to the team fight.

During the ganking phase you rely on surprise and superior numbers to survive a swap. But mid and late game team fights require more than surprise to survive. So we add a Force Staff, and under ideal situations a BKB later. Now you can swap a key enemy hero, and essentially deliver the team victory.

I also take exception with your starting items. You are putting 703 gold into a wand, and 4 clarities. A soul ring is 800 and synergyzes perfectly with Tranquil Boots to keep you fat with mana and health. Later you can dissasemble the boots and use the ring in your force staff while picking up Treads or Mana Boots. And a BKB is cheaper than Ag's and much more useful.

You also mention it is fine if you die a lot. I dont exactly agree with that. If you are dead, no armor reduction, no damage bonus. So yes this is a guide focused on being purely support. But you are leaving some key contributions VS can make by the wayside. It is better to leverage everything she can bring to the table.
KWinship | December 12, 2012 10:34am
Not maxing magic missle first is riduculous, even with a support role. The mana cost only goes up 10 mana every level which is hardly anything, but the damage and stun is AMAZING, i cant tell you how many kills ive gotten in lane from just a bit of harrassment and then magic missle. One major flaw in your guide imo.
Sefi (3) | August 27, 2012 5:25am
Your explanation of the hero is good and I agree with quite a bit of the guide , but I can't take a Vengeful Spirit guide seriously if it doesn't include a Force Staff. Force Staff is just such a completely essential item for her (imo) and I can't imagine going a game without it. I'd much rather have a Force Staff than my ulti staff almost every time.

And while it's more viable to max Wave of Terror over Command Aura, I dislike maxing the former first for the same reason I dislike maxing the later: it pushes the lane. Getting your W and E early sounds technically correct because they scale better, but they push your lane, and if you're pushing your lane too early during the laning phase then that could be bad, especially with a hard carry who needs farm.
My first few games of Venge I was maxing these skills and getting the tower down in the first ten minutes, leaving me and my partner without a lane or jumping into another lane and disrupting someone else's farm.

So while I can't argue that this is a viable Venge playstyle, I don't personally agree with it.
Slithereen | August 13, 2012 6:56am
Would be nice to have inputs instead of just downvoting
xCO2 (72) | August 10, 2012 8:12pm
This = Correct

But: Add something for more survivabilty.
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