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Ursa should be jungling, NEVER laning. EVER. You may not realize this yet, but there is this thing in Dota where if you let your hard carry solo lane in the easy lane, your hard carry gets this thing called "solo experience." If you let your hard carry get this mystical solo experience, they level faster and can farm better, without you autoattacking pubs in the way of their progression. You are amazed, I can tell.
Additionally, even if you were to lane Ursa, your skill build is a joke. With Ursa, you want to level your Fury Swipes first, there's never an exception. If you were to take your build in lane, I can only imagine you sitting there spamming your most mana intensive spell W and pushing the easy lane out and into oblivion. It's pointless. Maxing your E will allow your W to do the most damage it can and will help you last hit in lane (even though you should never be in a lane). Getting your slow second is the worst joke I have heard on this site so far. Earlier I called Ursa a pubstomp hero, basically saying he's not viable in competitive play because in competitive play, people actually think and use their brains. If anybody is stupid enough to let you get in range for you to slow them and hit them, they are a worse player than you are. Sad, but it is only true. Ursa should never be able to get into range to use his slow or his melee autoattacks, there are only too many ways to kite an Ursa around and kill him. That is why he is a pubstomper and why your build makes me laugh in so many ways. I can only imagine you building this super aggressive lane pushing noob build and then chasing after me, using up all your mana, letting me kite you to death, and by the time you try to run, I still have my cc to stun you up and finish you off. It's just hilarious and brings great joy to my heart.
With tidings,