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However, I was forced to downvote this guide for two reasons.
1) There is no reference to noobs that they should be jungling Ursa and not laning. Ever.
2) I dislike your skill build. Let's put it this way, if your guide was meant for a laning Ursa, W is the worst possible choice, even more so than the slow at level 1. Leveling and maxing E means last hitting will be easier, which is all you should be doing in the early game. Especially as a melee hero vs rangers. You NEED NEED NEED that farm. If you were jungling Ursa, W is also a horrible choice because you only have so much mana and you are dependent on an active skill. Maxing E in the jungle is the right choice for more efficient jungling. W should be seen as a quick steroid to get your fury stacks on a target for bonus damage quickly. Your W should support your E, not the other way around.
I despise laning Ursa and taking another glance at your items, it looks like you were intending that your audience lane him. Horrible, horrible decision. Your hard carry should be in the easy lane, soaking up solo experience and solo farm. Ursa isn't a hard carry. Ursa is a pubstomper, easily kited, easily killed. Quite useless against players who have the slightest amount of brains left in them. He should not be laning. If you are successful in your lane, it's not that you were any good at all. It's only an indication that your opponents fried their brains playing Banjo Kazooie on the N64 or that they were completely new to Dota when you faced them.
Take him in the jungle, write a guide on jungling. Tell your readers how much a noobstomper he really is and how he is not viable in competitive play. Until then, downvoted.
I don't understand why you wann's get Vladimir and Vanguard at the Same time. It Males nö sence to get both of em. When you got Vladimir, Lothar and Boots it would Be the Best to get a Tarasque
I just 3 hit killed a hero with blademail on.
Thanks a bunch
Yeah I would definitely suggest making vlads core, then build power treads, vanguard, heart before looking at either blink or lothars NEVER both
Sometimes, depending on the team line-ups, it may be best to get blink dagger or shadow blade right after boots and vlads.
No one vote my Guide? Is my Guide so bad?
Don't worry, your guide is great :) I'm newbie in dota and it helps he a lot.
But if you describe more detailed, for example, in which situations should buy situational items, or pros and cons dagger over shadow blade, that would be great :)