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4 Votes

Ursa - How does one lane as Ursa you ask?

May 25, 2012 by LiLPr0
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WorkPants (7) | July 8, 2012 10:31pm
I agree with skill build and mostly with item build. I would drop Quelling Blade (others explained why above) and consider adding Skull Basher -> Abyssal Blade (my timing for picking up Skull Basher is generally post Black King Bar, pre Heart). Being able to eat your targets face before they can so much as move an inch always feels great and provides Ursa which some degree of power against kiting and even Ghost Scepter, especially after Abyssal Blade is complete.
jimn235 | July 8, 2012 6:12pm
i had better luck with a build similar to faceless void (no quelling blade) -- 1 branch+poorman's followed by vlad, then phase boots, then bash, then butterfly OR heart of tarasque, and so on.

this gives consistent rosh at 12 minutes with about 3 trips to base and allows you to charge in and be pretty durable and tanky. reccomended sanj and yasha seems redundant to bash, so the moeny seems better spent on butterfly with 35% evasion to really annoy the enemy.

this makes for damn short games, even winning against 3v5 odds in pubs is doable.

in pub games teamates can get impatient, best advice is ignore them.
AngryTurtle (7) | June 7, 2012 9:25am
"Hard-Carry" "Falls off late game"


also you don't need a quelling blade because even if you're having trouble you can just put a stack of fury on them while theyre not close yet and then easily lasthit, it is just a waste of money.
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