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139 Votes

(Updating) Shadow Fiend Guide - Nevermore, The Soultrain Stealer

July 30, 2015 by Nubtrain
Comments: 79    |    Views: 870528    |   

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Dmon | September 25, 2015 8:20am
Dude shadow blade grants 175 attack not 150. Plzz fix that :D
Nubtrain (58) | July 30, 2015 3:57am

Great guide, but i found a major mistake in your statement about turn rate. SF has best turning speed in the game. Turn rate represents the angular speed you got and as the more value you have more quicker you make turns. 0.03π / T = t, where T = turn rate and t = the time it takes to turn around. Try to test it on SF and hero with lowest turn rate of 0.4 Beastmaster, for instance.


Hmm, good point. Always recalled him having a bad turnrate, might have thought of something else. TIL, thanks for the info, will correct it ASAP.

HighestHand wrote:

Can you add a section explaining the item builds and the order?
Should I get BKB first or Blink first?

Also, during mid game, I usually have these items:
Blink, BKB, Wand, Ring, Bottle, BoT.

Which one should I sell to make room for the luxury/situational items?


Sorry about that, just procrastinating when I try to update guide. Just so much to update >__>!

What to sell? Based on what you have so far Bottle > RoA/RoB > Wand and if it goes super late then the Blink.
Bored Rockstar | July 24, 2015 4:22pm
Great guide, but i found a major mistake in your statement about turn rate. SF has best turning speed in the game. Turn rate represents the angular speed you got and as the more value you have more quicker you make turns. 0.03π / T = t, where T = turn rate and t = the time it takes to turn around. Try to test it on SF and hero with lowest turn rate of 0.4 Beastmaster, for instance.

HighestHand | July 14, 2015 6:38am
Can you add a section explaining the item builds and the order?
Should I get BKB first or Blink first?

Also, during mid game, I usually have these items:
Blink, BKB, Wand, Ring, Bottle, BoT.

Which one should I sell to make room for the luxury/situational items?

clownsarefromspace | June 8, 2015 2:12am
Perhaps a section on how to deal with hard matchups? Good guide tho
clownsarefromspace | June 6, 2015 9:41pm
Pretty good guide. I would add a section on how to deal with annoying mid laners such as OD, TA and any others that are annoying to deal with. And my last point that I could make is coordinating with your team to shut down the midlaner for good because its possible to get behind and such.
Blubbles (13) | May 5, 2015 11:36pm
I'd just like to say that Glimmer Cape could be a "god we are losing horribly and I have no gold" laternative to a BKB, which is far superior. also it is great for casting ultimate.
TavTavio | February 26, 2015 8:15pm
For the general item/skill build at the top, please create tabs (add builds), instead of putting lots of different item paths/builds in one build/tab.
Nubtrain (58) | February 5, 2015 12:55pm

Opinion on Spirit Bomb Build (Euls and/or Dagger)?

It's a fine defensive build, very good in those "oh ****" moments. Either Eul's yourself then blink away then TP or Eul's an enemy hero with a stun then try and blink/tp away. The quick initiation with Eul's into point blank RoS is great for some easy kills but if you're behind in farm and levels, skip it in favor of other items. The mana regen is nice so you can virtually stay out of the base indefinitely if you also have lifesteal for sustain.

It's a good item but don't rely on Eul's to save you or get kills.
garri.almighty | February 5, 2015 9:55am
Opinion on Spirit Bomb Build (Euls and/or Dagger)?
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