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110 Votes

(UPDATED) 2/11/25 Pusher | DPS | Extreme AOE Damage

February 11, 2025 by Compressicep
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Compressicep (9) | February 11, 2025 8:56am
Hello everybody, I think we're due for another guide update for our friend Venomancer yeah? Its been almost 12 years since I posted the original guide. I appreciate everybody's feedback throughout the years.
AxillaInAJar | April 10, 2015 2:51pm
I'm not very experienced as Venomancer. Only played a few games as him. But some builds I saw in game had him getting an Orb of Venom. I saw you didn't mention it so just want to know, why not? It is cheap and stacks with his passive. If you are going short lane you can pick it up from the secret shop easily. Just wondering cause I didn't see anything about it. Great guide though! I can't wait to play more Venomancer!
Luvdota | March 20, 2015 12:31pm
deeped wrote:

Great guide. Despite you calling it a basic guide it really is a solid build and the item guide may seem basic but its pretty ideal. Looking forward to more updates here.

I agree its a great guide but it seems he forgot one really core item on venomancer Veil of Discord gives good stats and its really important for its 25% magic resistance reduction debuff !!!
i am looking for a reason from him !!!
Fatt Catt (1) | March 1, 2015 1:02pm
you need more hp get the ogre first ?
point boost gives 200hp but ogre gives you 190 hp !
so what ever you need more , get the point booster first.
no eye of skadi even in the luxuries ? why I really like it ! :((
and in the competition build no drums ? again why ? :((
Tannerman46 | August 2, 2014 5:40am
Thanks for the great guide!

However I do have a question. How much XP and gold do you get from destroying a ward, and how much XP is given if the ward simply times out? With that in mind, would it be worth trying to deny your own wards?

Also I would like to suggest that if you want to improve the guide, mentioning hero/item combos/counters would be really great. For example, I would love to know what affect a BKB has on Veno's abilities (before and during the ability is used), or how viable it would be Centaur's ult to group up enemies, followed by veno's ult.
Eightfold (9) | June 7, 2014 12:06pm
Compressicep wrote:

Think about this, does a blink dagger truly "support" your team? Or is it really an item you just buy after already punishing a losing team? I can think of many items to buy on Venomancer that is more beneficial as a support/team role.

It depends on the condition of the said game and the role you want to play Venomancer.

Well, a Shadow Blade doesn't really help the team and isn't a supportive item, while blink dagger costs 2/3rds of a shadowblade, allowing you to spend the remaining gold on stuff like wards and detection, if you like.
Gambit306 (1) | June 7, 2014 4:56am
Great guide! I had a question though, what is your take on veil of discord on Veno? I can't remember where, but i feel i read that it stacks with your poison? Please correct me if i'm wrong. :)

After going back to check, his Gale, Nova and Sting are all magical.
But is it too greedy for a support(y) hero?

I also sometimes build Necro Book to push towers faster too but like you said just above, it's usually when we are already siegeing Tier 3 Towers
Compressicep (9) | May 19, 2014 7:34pm
SoloBrow wrote:

Would you ever consider a blink dagger on Veno so he can initiate with his ult?

Think about this, does a blink dagger truly "support" your team? Or is it really an item you just buy after already punishing a losing team? I can think of many items to buy on Venomancer that is more beneficial as a support/team role.

It depends on the condition of the said game and the role you want to play Venomancer.
Compressicep (9) | May 19, 2014 7:34pm
SoloBrow wrote:

Would you ever consider a blink dagger on Veno so he can initiate with his ult?

Think about this, does a blink dagger truly "support" your team? Or is it really an item you just buy after already punishing a losing team? I can think of many items to buy on Venomancer that is more beneficial as a support/team role.

It depends on the condition of the said game and the role you want to play Venomancer.
SoloBrow | May 19, 2014 12:44pm
Would you ever consider a blink dagger on Veno so he can initiate with his ult?
Compressicep (9) | May 12, 2014 10:07pm
I will be updating this further soon as it's been awhile and lots of updates. Stay tuned!!
Raito Mizumi | January 7, 2014 10:14pm
To spam ward early or not actually depends on the situation. Usually I get lv2 ward at level 5 as it gives me a safe harassing option as it's not always wise to stick your head out, and it is seriously annoying if used right.
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