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Unleash the Beast : Beastmaster Compendium

May 9, 2014 by Blubbles
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Carry / Pusher Build

DotA2 Hero: Beastmaster

Hero Skills

Rugged (Innate)

Wild Axes

1 3 5 7

Call of the Wild Boar

4 12 13 14

Call of the Wild Hawk

4 12 13 14

Inner Beast

2 8 9 10

Primal Roar

6 11 16




Hello! Thank you for reading "Unleash the Beast: Beastmaster Compendium". This is my first guide! I'll be showing you how to play a Carry / Pusher / Ganker Beastmaster. I have played many games and Beastmaster is one of my favorites. He is good in almost every lane but I play him offlane (Top Radiant / Bot Dire) most of the time. I hop e you find him as fun to play as I do

Pros / Cons

-Good Early Game Damage
-Good farming / harassing /killing tool
-Simple Play
-Mobile Ward
-Can fit most roles
-Amazing ultimate
-Low mana pool
-Has a hard time against long-range heroes (Sniper)

Starting out (1-15 min.)

Buy your starting items (plus a Soul Ring recipe) and head over to the offlane. Make sure to wait at the tower so you can creep block. You will want to creep block because Inner Beast naturally pushes the lane since your creeps will have better attack speed.

Beastmaster is a Carry, so he will need alot of early farm, although not as much as your average carry, and since he is offlaning he will have more farm than other lanes. Last hitting and denying is of the essence. Deny to keep your enemies as starved for gold and levels as possible. You are going against two heroes.

Try and keep the fighting creeps as close to your tower as possible without having them in the range of the tower. Push the lane a little to get to the Secret Shop to buy your Soul Ring, Boots of Speed, and Morbid Mask

A Soul Ring is one of Beastmaster's most important items, it will keep up his mana pool and health while also providing a little boost for when you need to use Whirling Axes.

Early Game kills / First Blood

Early game kills and/or First Blood can be an easy task with Beastmaster. Keep them under harass with your regular attacks. When you have full mana or close to full mana, use Wild Axes to harass as well. Keep them under pressure as much as you can. When they have low health around 10 - 20%, go in for the kill with Wild Axes. Chase them down if they are not dead yet. Do not follow them under the tower. An Orb of Venom may be useful for chasing, as well as Phase Boots, both of which I get often if I have very good farm.



Haste - Yes, yes, yes. Very good for rushing in and using Primal Roar on their a**es.
Double Damage - Most of the time let someone else get it
Invisible - Take it for a good gank, but usually better on other heroes
Regeneration - Only on VERY low health
Illusion - Not very helpful unless you want to distract the enemy team.

Mid Game / Roaming / Pushing Time! (15 - 30 min.)

So it's mid game. You should now have your Ultimate (Primal Roar), Treads, Soul Ring, and Morbid Mask. You are now ready to Roam and Gank.

Using your Ultimate and Getting Kills

Your ultimate, Primal Roar, is one of the best stuns in the game. It deals damage, has a long stun, and deals damage and slows enemies around the target. Just to make it more amazing it goes through Black King Bar (just stun, not damage). This is a very good tool for ganking and roaming, obviously, because of it's stun. Stun your opponent, use Wild Axes, Hack them up with your amazing attack speed (thanks to Inner Beast), and if they aren't dead yet, finish them with another Wild Axes. Your Mask of Madness helps with the whole "chopping them up" part. Once you get your Boar, they will fall even faster.

Keep in mind that Boots of Speed are also an option for roaming and ganking, but usually the only time I will get Boots of Speed is end game when we need alot of pushing out of base.

If your farm is behind, feel free to jungle at any time. Your Boar will help you.


Once you get your Mask of Madness and Drum of Endurance, now is pushy time. Get to the tower with your creep wave(s) and pop your Mask of Madness. I usually save popping my Drum until the Tier 3 (or base) towers, since they need to be pushed faster then normal.

Late Game / Finish (30 - 60 min.)

For the rest of the game you will be doing alot of the same stuff as Mid game. Pushing, ganking and killing enemies. But i'll give you a few tips on late game.

Now is the time to get your luxury items. Heart of Terrasque is a great luxury for late game since you don't want to be dead in case a teamfight comes along. eye of Skadi is also good for racking up kills.

Don't wander around their base by yourself, or even with creeps. They WILL gang up on you. the other side of the river is not safe by yourself.

Late game, split pushes are the most effective in my opinion. They can easily shut down a 3 or 4 person push out of their base if they are good. With split pushes the most heroes you will have trying to stop you is 3.

Don't forget to defend. If they hold out long enough they can get all the way to your Tier 3, and maybe win.


Hope this guide made you a better Beastmaster! Please give feedback on my first guide! Thanks for reading!

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