Specter is a melee agility carry that can stay in team fights for a very long time due to her innate tankyness. She is great at picking off lone targets with her bonus pure damage and global ultimate. She is an extremely hard carry that many others simply can't compete with.
Build Justification
---Power Treads: Good attack speed and stats. Not too much to address.
---Vanguard: This is a great item for Specter. it gives alot of early game tank as well as giving alot of health regen to help you sustain more in lane
---Diffusal Blade: Alot of people like to get Raidience on Specter and while i do agree its good. I think this is much better. It is a much safer buy since it can be bought in small components and it helps you chase enemy heroes down and it senergizes realy well with your Q.
---Manta Style: This is another item that senergizes well with Specters Kit. You can ult, find someone alone, jump on em, nuke them with your Spectral Dagger, pop them with your Diffusal Blade, the pop Manta Style and your illusions will get your bonus pure damage from desolate and just watch the poor bastards melt. It also give really good stats and lets you remove most debuffs.
---Heart of Tarrasque: This item makes you EXTREMELY hard to take down do to you dispersion. This should replace Vanguard since it is no longer needed.
---Butterfly: Not much to explain. Tons of DPS and evasion. What more could you ask for on an agi carry?
---Your 6th item slot can flex alot. I personally like Daedalus or Vladamir's Offering. But Blademail is a realy nice pickup since you are so damn tanky that if the enemy carry is attacking you they have no chance of winning with blade mail on.
Time to Wrap it Up
This guide is more focused on early fighting and assassinating rather that ricing your way to victory because lets be honest, that's kinda boring. Specter's build is extremely flexible so this guide is mainly aimed toward more advance players looking for a good idea of what to build or just someone looking for some ideas. Sorry for the low amount of content in this guide i like to keep em short and to the point since i am not making them for new players and they are "Alt-Tabs".
I will listen to any intelligent comments and if you are going to downvote please explain in the comments and maybe i can adjust the guide if you have any better suggestions.
Thank you for reading and happy pub stomping!
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