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5 Votes

Undying, Zombie or not to be ? (work in progress)

August 15, 2012 by Marlo
Comments: 5    |    Views: 5882    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Herbert West's Build (nasty support)

DotA2 Hero: Undying

Hero Skills

Ceaseless Dirge (Innate)


1 12 13 14

Soul Rip

3 4 5 7


2 8 9 10

Flesh Golem

6 11 16


15 17 18

Undying, Zombie or not to be ? (work in progress)

August 15, 2012

Little introduction

Hello, im writing a zombie build, with my own vision of this so cool hero.

I have seriously bad skill in english. But I will do my best to create a understandable guide.

In a first time, I will just explain the two builds i created.

I am not a really old player of dota 2, but i like strategy games and use my brain. This guide is probably not the best, but it is not built randomly.

Brain Dead Build, nasty Support

Why Herbert West's build ? Because this story is terrific but terribly cool !
Why nasty support ? Because its not optimal to play Undying like a friendly support with mana boots, mechanism, Basilius. That sounds for me useless on Undying. Ok, its helpfull, but optimize the Undying's spells will be more helpfull.

Let's explain.

Undying have 1 really great spells, but what is really strong in special situations.
I am of course talking about TombStone !

As long the ennemies stay near of Tombstone, as it will be powerfull. Therefore, your goal is to force ennemies to stay in the tombstone area.

continuation SOON

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