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Hey everyone, welcome to my guide on the Underlord. This is my first ever guide and I have done my best to make sure that it is simple and easy to understand for anyone from a newbie to a seasoned pro.
Neither myth nor song exist to tell of their coming.
Deep below the surface of the world lay unknown wonders and horrors. Down and down again, well beneath the slithering magma fields and simmering roots of dormant volcanoes stands the obsidian city of Aziyog, its incomparable stonework spanning an endless cavern. Within honeycomb walls mortared with the bones of countless slaves lies the domain of the Abyssal Horde, and their brutal underlord Vrogros.
Armed by the monstrous forgemasters of his kind and well-practiced in the arts of the Dark Rift, Vrogros is able to conjure forth flame and crippling malice through the twist between worlds. He seeks always to expand his holdings, destroying or enslaving all he encounters. Yet the lands offered by the subterranean realm are few, and so his sights have turned upward. By his command the first waves of abyssal invaders have already marched through the rift, a few doomed legions meant merely to test the might of nations above. Now, as his full force readies itself for unending conquest, Vrogros himself steps into a sunlit world to announce his coming reign. Those who face the Underlord will bow and pay tribute, or be crushed where they stand.
Underlord is a pretty flexible hero when it comes to the roles he can fulfill.
a. Offlaner
b. Mid
c. Support
Although the offlane feels too good to be true for an Underlord, it isn't the only way that he can be played. The other 2 positions are also just as valid. If u go for the mid build then we get a radiance and that combined with Atrophy Aura gives you enough added damage that you don't really buy any damage items.
Now some might say that mid is a position that's given to the hero that needs quite a bit of farm while staying active during team fights. I agree to that. But, for my build of Underlord the best way to get the required items is by staying in the mid till one point and then roaming and ganking as much as possible, while also farming the jungle camps and pushing lanes.The latter two will be discussed in a later section.
Moving on.
So alright we know what the Underlord is capable of and all that, but what does he have in his arsenal to kick some serious butt.... Let's find out.
Calls down waves of fire that damage enemy units in the target area, burning for additional damage over time.
So there are basically six waves of fire that reign down upon an area and deal damage and also percentage based burn damage
Firestorm is your daily bread and butter. Seriously. Lets just check out how much damage it can deal if all 6 waves hit.
Level 1:
Wave damage is 25 so, 25*6 = 150
Level 2:
Wave damage is 40 so, 40*6 = 240
Level 3:
Wave damage is 55 so, 55*6 = 330
Level 4:
Wave damage is 70 so, 70*6 = 420
And that is excluding the percentage based burn damage.
With this skill you can clear a triple stacked hard camp in about 40~50 seconds.
But in a real team fight it is impossible to inflict the entire damage of the spell because the targets will keep moving and it is very easy to escape the 400 radius AOE.
But it still a useful tool in zoning out the opponent.
Pit of Malice
A deadly pit is conjured at the target location; any unit that enters is unable to move for some time and takes damage. Each enemy unit can only be affected once.
This is a pretty straight forward ability, you cast it in an area and anyone who enters the pit takes 100 damage and is rooted in place and disarmed for 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds.
The pit has a radius of 275 and lasts 7 seconds, so anyone who isn't initially in the cast area but ends up going into it is still affected by it. Great for repositioning and initiating.
Atrophy Aura
Nearby enemy units are weakened, losing a portion of their base damage. If a unit dies while under this effect, Underlord gains bonus damage.
This is what makes you the most ridiculous hero in the game. It has damage reduction and damage amplification. So what this passive ability does is emits an aura in a 900 AOE which affects enemy units present in that area reducing their base damage by upto 42%.
Now keep in mind that this isn't bonus damage but base damage(the number that appears in white in the hero damage area in-game). So if you think you can reduce the bonus damage of aDaedulus or a
Monkey King Bar then your absolutely wrong.
The other part of this skill is the damage amplification part. At max level you can get upto 45 bonus damage per hero kill, and the 5 bonus damage per creep is standard for all levels. So lets say you clear a triple stacked hard camp of centaurs, satyrs and wildwings each such camps have 3 creeps each so a total of 9 creeps and with 5 damage per creep we get 45 bonus damage in hardlly 40 seconds. Now i know you might think that "It's just 45 bonus damage.... it wont matter that much", but trust me it will matter cause with this 45 bonus damage you can jump a support and kill him faster than before. And for that at max level you get 45 bonus damage so a total of 90... then kill the next support.... see where I'm going with this?? At the end of your roaming phase you will have atleast 135-140 bonus damage and the next teamfight might win you the game.
And do you wanna know the best part about this ability?? It doesn't have a cap.... i have got about 190 bonus damage and n0tail in the all star match got about 350 bonus damage but that was a 10v10 so I guess that doesn't count.
Dark Rift
Opens a dark rift at the targeted friendly unit's position. After a short delay, Underlord and all nearby friendly heroes are teleported to that unit's location. Dark Rift can be cancelled at anytime during the cast. If it is cancelled in this way or the target unit dies before the spell becomes active, Dark Rift goes into cooldown.
This is the one ability that makes him a great split push/escape hero, say you have a nice 120-150 atrophy bonus damage, which mind you is definitely achievable, and there is just one lane of barracks remaining in your enemy's team and you just finished a teamfight, call all your buddies to the fountain and wait for them to heal, target one of the creeps in your desired lane and BAAM!!!! Your whole team get teleported to the creeps location along with you. This can also be used in a similar way to escape from a fight so you can save your ally.
Items.... now this is where my opinion differs from most others, the role of Underlord according to me is not the kind of guy who sits in the back spamming his spells and wasting his mana. No, to me this guy has the ability to 3-4 shot most squishy hero but he needs time in a fight. How do you give a guy who has a 2.6 strength gain more time in a fight??? A couple of things come to mind:
1. Armor
2. More HP
3. Regen
4. Evasion
5. Lifesteal
For Armour, the Underlord needs items as his base armor is just 4 and with a measly agility gain of 1.3 his armor at max is 11.... If you have a lot of HP and not enough armor to reduce the incoming physical damage it'll just be a matter of time before you go down.
Hence the Assault Cuirass or the Blade Mail if your getting concentrated on. With AC you get 15 armor and any ally in a radius gets bonus 5 armor so it's a valuable pick up.
For more HP, we make items like the Octarine Core or Vanguard that give us raw HP. But we can also buy strength items that also have the added benefit of adding to Underlord's base damage. Items like the Echo Sabre or BKB are useful in this case.
Early in the game you will be using a lot of mana spamming your Q to farm jungle camps and so losing HP in the process too, so items that give you additional HP Regen are also essential.
If you escape a fight with 120 bonus damage from the Atrophy Aura and you can regenerate quickly enough and come back to kick some more a** then that could win you the game and keep your streak going. Regen is especially good against long rangers like Sniper or Tinker's Missiles or Clockwork's Flares and also against most damage-over-time spells.
Evasion.... There are a limited number of options for this kind of tankiness, the Solar Crest or Heaven's Halberd or Radiance(The other being Butterfly but that doesn't do much for a strength hero like Underlord). I prefer the Radiance because of the burn, couple that with Octarine Core's spellsteal and you can have a decent amount of HP regenerating while just chasing someone down. You don't really need another disarm because of your 2nd skill, but if you prefer going for the Halberd instead, hey it's your call! Solar Crest is great for helping your carry take down Roshan or hell you can do it too... But the one thing ii dislike about the items is that it reduces your armor and considering the meager armor Underlord has it doesn't seem like that good of an idea.
For Lifesteal we can make the Octarine Core or some other form of lifesteal(like Satanic)
but it is very situational as you generally don't end up being the one dealing the maximum damage despite your passive.
So as far as the items in my build go they are pretty self explanatory.
Start off with Tangos, Stout Shield, Ring of Protection and a Healing Salve.
Start off with 2x Clarity, a Tango, 2x Iron Branch and a Stout Shield.
You don't play this guy as your everyday, run-in-the-mill support. If you want to use his entire potential you have to play him as a roaming support. This means staying active all through the game and looking for kills. Leave your lane for the most part and just roam the map like a scavenger of dead bodies :p.
Start off with Tangos, Stout Shield and a Healing Salve. Also buy the Animal Courier. The Healing salve isn't for your personal use, it's so you can use it on an ally under fire and turn the battle around. Also since you ARE a support, you should carry some wards at all times to deward or ward.
So let's discuss as to which runes are most beneficial to this hero:
Double Damage: A valuable pickup as it will only increase the base damage, but not the best.
Arcane: Arguably the best rune pickup for Underlord as he has very mana heavy spells which have moderate cooldown. Arcane rune reduces mana cost and cooldown for the time it is active.
Regeneration: Nuff Said.
Haste: Great rune for ganking and chasing almost dead heroes.
Bounty Nuff Said.
This hero is one of the best junglers in the game. He can farm stacked camps very fast thanks to his Q. So what you do is ask your position 5 to stack the easy camps for you first and then you keep nuking them down with your Q. Once you have a maxed out firestorm clear a triple hard camp stack and work for your items. In this way you can also nuke down creep waves. I have seen the mid tower go down by as fast as 10-15 minutes with this hero. Get Radiance and push waves and GGWP in 30 minutes. Also what you can do is shoot down towers lane by lane. That way the opponent won't know which tower you'll attack next. And keep 2xTP Scrolls on you at all times. I've gotten killed a lot of times because i didn't have a TP Scroll and was roaming in places i shouldn't have.
- Makes you the team's tank and aura carrier.
- Can help you get quite a few stacks of your passive.
- Helps make use of that bonus damage that you get.
- Best counter for any Stat based DPS hero like Anti-Mage or Drow Ranger
- Takes a while to come online.
- Underlord might not be the best hero for Mid in your team.
- Not great at challenging for the rune
Now that we've seen his play style and skills lets see who he does well against and who he does well with.
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