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Ultra Hard Carry Guide

April 21, 2014 by Geniuswas
Comments: 5    |    Views: 174089    |   

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Super AI | March 1, 2017 9:17pm
Where the hell is Troll Warlord?
KuroKagess17 | November 19, 2016 4:47am
Thaks dude,this guide very helpful for me :v
Yellowstar | April 22, 2014 6:35am
Things I disagree with:

Phantom Assassin "Possible Damage Output: 10/10"

Nope. Do the calculation - 15% chance to do 450% damage, increases her overall damage up to 0.85*100+0.15+450=152%, which is a 52% increase in dps - large, but not huge (compare with almost 300% from medusa or 300% from chaos knight). Besides, she is entirely single-target focused, so her damage output is clearly below all multi-target heroes like medusa or chaos knight. I would probably give her 7/10 for damage

Spectre Farm Rate: 6/10

more like 1/10, she is absolutely horrible at farming until she gets radiance - no cleave, no attack speed, no lifesteal, no nothing

Antimage Farm Rate: 7/10

lolwut? have you played him at least once? he is the fastest farmer in the game

Tiny Farm Rate: 5/10

again, have you played him? he can clear camps with aghanims in seconds, and even with a 800g soul ring q+w+w destroys a stacked hard camp almost entirely.

" Legion Commander is too dependent on damage gain from Duel to be viable as a super hard carry."

What? If she plays well, +100 damage or more for NOTHING (item-wise) is huge! Also, don't forget bonus 120 attack speed for 5 seconds and self-healing counter attacks

Lifestealer generally gets easily outcarried by other strength heroes. His farm rate is not adequate and he does not scale that hard. A 6-slotted Lifestealer can be easily defeated by a 6-slotted hero from the above list.

How on earth is his farm rate not adequate? And how does he get outcarried with his insane damage output, % health based lifesteal, and if you get a bkb - 16(!) second of magic immunity? kiting is completely stopped by boots of travel + s&y + magic immunity + the slow from open wounds

Sven is an absolute beast of a hard carry, but the other carries seem to farm much more quickly and have more of a decisive impact in teamfights and sieges.

Sven can rape an entire enemy team with boots + MoM or boots + bkb + mom, which is much earlier than all the other carries. And how do other carries farm more quickly with his cleave that allows to do stacked camps in seconds?

Juggernaut simply gets outcarried by other carries too easily. He is too ulti-dependent in the later portions of the game.

Yes...except that ulti+aghanims+refresher+desolator will clear out half of the enemy team in a teamfight.

Morphling has great late game DPS, but questionable durability. Also offers little during sieges.

Again, how the hell with morph and replicate and waveform to move quickly is his durability questionable?

Sieges? Win teamfight --> morph all to agility --> tower goes down in seconds

Drow Ranger is not a super hard carry simply because she is really squishy

But somehow phantom assassin, who is equally squishy, IS a super hard carry?

Kunkka's cleave is his greatest asset in the late game, but otherwise offers little in focused manfights.

Yeah - just some ****, like a 2 seconds AoE stun, 50% damage reduction for allies, another 1.5 seconds AoE stun with 600 magic damage, an a chance to cleave out the whole enemy team in 1 hit

Also, Terrorblade should definitely get on the list

Overall - needs some refinement, but props for the effort and an interesting idea :D
Geniuswas | April 22, 2014 4:02am
I may have to reconsider Lifestealer, but tbh I don't find him super effective. He always seems to get kited too easily, and has trouble trying to get enough right-clicking in the ultra late game during teamfights which is where his derived tankiness is from, to be able to lifesteal to increase his durability.

I will reconsider his position on the ultra hard carry list though, thanks for input.
MeDEUCEa | April 22, 2014 3:31am
"Lifestealer generally gets easily outcarried by other strength heroes. His farm rate is not adequate and he does not scale that hard. A 6-slotted Lifestealer can be easily defeated by a 6-slotted hero from the above list."

Completely disagree with this. Rage gives him 6 second magic immunity with 80 attack speed, he has built in lifesteal that destroys heroes with high health, and his slow is brutal and adds even more lifesteal. He's considered the "anti-tank" and he doesn't need to (though he can for even more magin invulnerability) use up one of his 6 slots on BKB. Naix is one of the best carries in the game and absolutely needs to be added to this list, especially is Tiny gets a spot on in -_-

I think you also missed the mark on a few others that are included in your missed the cut list but Naix was the most glaring to me.

Otherwise, I like the idea of grading the carriers on different categories, think you have a cool premise with this. All carries are different and present drastically different pros and cons, though I think its pretty apparent they all need farm or they're worthless. That's why I prefer either durable carries or ones with escapes.
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