How to use Ulfsaar
Ulfsaar is a hero who hits hard with his Fury Swipes passive. Getting first blood is ez as Ulfsaar, 7 hits any hero. Hit your lane enemy to stack up your Fury Swipes on 'em. And Overpower when they have about 3-4 stacks and finish them off.
Support for him
He can have nice supports. Best one is Omniknight. When you dive to the fountain with your ultimate, you dont need bkb if there is a omni with you. He can repel and guardian angel you and ez rampage in the fountain. Any hero with good stun is good for ursa as well, especially Rubick with his Telekenesis.
You came for Rampage right, so here it is. You need BKB but if you have Omni with you, dont buy bkb. Aegis, Cheese, Blink, Satanic and 1 more slot open for anything. You can choose between Moon shard or Heart of Tarrasque or Refresher Orb . Dive in the fountain with your ultimate and overpower loaded up again, and Earthshock there. No one can escape then when your gona die, use Satanic with Iverpower to heal back. When your gona die and your ulti not there, eat cheese, and die again use aegis. Your ulti should be ready so use ulti and Satanic, BOOM RAMPAGE
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