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8 Votes

Tuskarr can support!!

December 13, 2013 by T1mmay
Comments: 9    |    Views: 58206    |   

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Dottyeyed | January 23, 2014 1:52pm
Great guide, Rupert nice one buddy ^^ - taught him everything he knows :D
tertiusinterpares | January 1, 2014 5:01pm
I think Legion Commander is a must-mention in the friends list.
Ice shards -> snowball -> Duel -> Walrus punch is an amazing combo, and LC can skip getting an initiation item.
ShadowDragon627 | December 13, 2013 10:35am
Good guide. You might want to make a bit more out of the fact that tuskarr is a very aggressive support. Success will most often be found when you roam from an early stage. You Gould perhaps mention some good roaming partners, such as venge. Her minus armour synergies a well with walrus punch and the extra stun is always helpful. Also maybe proof read it again. I spotted a mistake in the walrus punch description and formatting issues in the friends and foes.

Xyrus (104) | December 13, 2013 8:35am
T1mmay (6) | December 13, 2013 8:15am
I will make changes to the guide in a few days as away from computer for a few days and doing lots of typing on my phone just gets annoying. Will explain when he should be picked , mention mek and pipe, and comment on an early level of sigil, especially if you're against spell spammers and have a magic wand.

As mentioned in the guide Peppo, I said that you can upgrade boots or get urn/medallion first, depending on what you need. I will add saying that if you need both courier and wards just take a clarity and branch away. Not sure if I will mention much on warding but will definitely add a bit, isn't there a guide on warding somewhere?

Thanks for the feedback guys, really appreciate it.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | December 13, 2013 7:17am
Upvoted: supporting with Tusk is definitely a good thing. Even though I disagree with the starting items (I most of the time buy both courier and wards or sentries and smoke with Tango, Salve and Clarity), the rest of the build is very solid. I think you should talk more about warding and maybe upgrade Boots of Speed after your Urn/Medallion, but the support builds themselves are open to sperimentation - most of the time different from game to game - so it's kind of a personal preference.
Sando (118) | December 13, 2013 6:54am
Overall, good guide, explanatations are fairly chunky and you give enough detail. I'd say presentation-wise some more colour would be nice. Content-wise I want to know why and when I'd consider picking Tusk over a more conventional support, and when not to? (Roaming? Tankiness? Ganking power?)

For example, you could legitimately pick him when you have good synergy with your lane partner(s) and can get early kills to boost you both. You can pick him if you have a ranged carry with a strong laning presence who doesn't need much from you aside from the threat of kills and occasional pulls. He wouldn't work well if you have a non-aggressive melee carry.

Agree with Samukobo completely on Pipe of Insight, and you'd probably consider Mekansm too even though it does very little for you personally. However, I think the level 1 Snowball makes sense sometimes - Ice Shards is a great offensive disrupt/block, but does very little to enemies who are trying to close/attack. Snowball at least gives you a stun, and a way to move in and body block.

Would also consider an earlier level of Frozen Sigil, ok you're not normally going to use it, but as a support you have to consider when your spells might be beneficial to your team. For example it might be enough to get team mates out of trouble, scout an early Roshan etc. Yeah definitely not an everygame pickup, but especially with support roles having options can be very useful, even if they mean less min/maxing.
T1mmay (6) | December 13, 2013 6:17am
For level 1 it would depend what you were against, if you were having a level 1 engagement against a kotl you can see how a snowball could be very beneficial, making his illuminate useless. Ice Shards only does 70 damage level 1, so it would depend on whether you think getting them out of position with shards is better of having that second of magic immunity.

Hand of Midas, well I suppose you could if you are ahead early game, but I really don't like the idea of telling people when playing support to get a midas, getting something that can help your team earlier would be better, maybe like a mek as you mentioned.

Didn't think of a pipe or mek much. Thing is, if you get it before you get something to boost your mana pool it's really going to restrict how helpful you can be, having to go back to base after every fight. But if you get it after, then the best time for it has passed, but I can see how it could work, will give it a mention.

I don't think Rod of Atos is really worth it, because you have Ice Shards to make sure they can't just run away, and by the time you can purchase this, your Frozen Sigil will be up and you can use that as your slow

If you want to disable their carry a Scythe of Vyse beats a Heaven's Halberd in most situations. The halberd would be better if your team was lacking damage so you needed to have some more damage output, but you'd have to save the active till after they used their bkb, whereas with scythe they can't bkb out of it
samukobo (28) | December 13, 2013 5:34am
Nice. So you set on to create this guide yourself.

I would have to disagree with the level 1 Snowball- the stun duration is only 0.5 at level 1 (level 1 engagements are very important) so I really think Ice Shards should be taken at level 1. Having a stun is useful, but despite lacking an actual disabling effect I think taking Q at level 1 would be more useful to ensure the target doesn't get away.

Consider Hand of Midas maybe? It's one of the best items right now. Would have to get your opinion on that though.

Overall the content is nice but it could be more with a few images here and there especially those that can specify on how to play him well in terms of positioning and skill usage, nice job.

EDIT: Pipe of Insight and Mekansm, especially the pipe can be taken when the best carrier would be Tusk. It should be situational.

A relatively farmed support Tusk could get Rod of Atos too. It helps greatly against enemies with good enough ms to outrun Snowball. And Heaven's Halberd is expensive but it would work.
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