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Tusk Easy Item Guide(for noob and quick finger)

February 18, 2013 by pruz alias
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rabbitsamlcs | February 3, 2015 10:51pm
Viewers' discretion is advised: before i start commenting, just to make this clear, i myself is a noob. i play dota A LITTLE BIT ONLY, barely understand dota with only 2000 hours gameplay, completely nothing compared to my friend who has 8000 hours invested in it. so, let's start...

This is a bad guide that u just showed u don't understand dota

MY principle: on buying items (i said MINE, my humble opinion, u may disagree with me)
1) first and foremost, understand your role, hence understand when to buy which
2) buy items that can boost your own abilities
3) buy items that your abilities lack (in other words, things that may help u with surviving or killing)

Quelling blade: fine. it is a good item for melee heroes at zero minute out from fountain.

Vanguard: bad pick. i used to be a vanguard-believer, with the overwhelming mindset of "survive, must survive!". Then i realized, it is mot always like this. Understand your role, you are a support, ganker, disabler (some may argue Tusk can be played as semi-carry, well, let's not go into that, but i am sure you know Tusk cannot be a real effective hard carry hero like sniper or void or terrorblade or spectre, etc). You need to gank, and support, as Tusk. u initiate fight with snowball, the stun effect is a disabler. u save your teammates or yourself in dire situation, with the few seconds invulnerablities while u r inside the snowball, if u time it well. So, you do not need vanguard. it does not fit your role, it does not boost your abilities, doesnt help with your punch, or shard or roll. yeah, without doubt u may survive 1 or 1.5 seconds longer during war, but u still will die, because u fail to kill someone, as your abilities are not powerful enough to kill someone. because u r not a hard tanker, although u have slightly more hp than your intel or agi allies in EARLY game. dont buy vanguard for tusk

Phase boots: good pick. because it boosts your snowball and the damage from the boots boosts your punch to a slightly more painful one.

Oblivion: bad pick. yes it may solve your mana issue. but there are a lot of other better picks out there to deal with mana, with relatively cheap price. do u have any further plans on which item it will becomes eventually? Orchid? meh.... not for tusk. if u want to solve mana issue, even soul ring or basilius ring or drum (drum is good for tusk as it adds movement speeds. stats, damage etc, and synergizes well with your spells). if u think your spells are not enough for your disposal, and if want slightly more luxurious item that relatively hceap to get, u may consider Eul scepter. it adds mana, movement speed, survivability and extra disable skill. and even item like ghost staff may provide u enough stat and survivability if there are a lot of right clickers on the other side, but very situational. And if u r thinking about Refresher, you are just trolling, go play Troll Warlord instead....

Dagon: Seriously?!?! dude, your role is a ganker, and support. you already have enough mana issue to be headache about when playing tusk, a spell caster. u think u have enough mana to zap the enemy after your combo of shard, snowball, sigil and punch? even if u have for one round, then? go back fountain and heal each time u do this? And you are supposed to support and gank, please let your hard carry get the kill and let him be fat ASAP, dagon provides only damage, no disabling skill, you are not thinking to KS your ally carry, right?

Vladimir: very situational. only if your teammates need it. it is not for you, if really following your build above, you wont have enough damage to benefit the lifesteal from it.

i dont want to talk about which are the good items for Tusk. as there are enough guides out there for the answer already

just a two-cents from a noob dota player
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