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10 Votes

Turok Reborn

October 29, 2015 by Numeta
Comments: 16    |    Views: 13994    |   

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Numeta (27) | October 15, 2012 4:39pm
Just lanes they used : /
SuperNova (16) | October 10, 2012 10:19am
why is a strength support trying to solo a lane. all he is doing is spamming his dmg block/regen
Numeta (27) | October 9, 2012 2:17pm
Added video display of the 6.75 buff! <3 shes my fave now
Atlas (117) | September 4, 2012 9:04am
Blitxxen wrote:

Can I PM him all my opinions freely?

If you need to have an argument, having it through PM is best.
Blitxxen (7) | September 4, 2012 9:00am
Can I PM him all my opinions freely?
Atlas (117) | September 4, 2012 8:57am
No more personal attacks.
SuperNova (16) | September 4, 2012 8:18am
Atlas wrote:

I'm not a fan of this build, but you shouldn't have you orb on at all times. Basically, if you have lifesteal (which the only reason I ever get a HotD is for ancient stacking, after that I ditch it) you should use your frost arrows every 3 or so attacks. Just enough so that it doesn't ware off.

That's a good idea but wouldn't work as well unles your attack speed is high and I can't see many agility items besides those 2 bands. Never thought of using it like that I must say
Atlas (117) | September 4, 2012 7:57am
SuperNova wrote:

Just tested this guide out with me and my other 2 friends in seperate games. failed completely, alpha wolf died first ALWAYS as enemy players knew about its aura. it doesnt stack with frost arrows so when your trying to chase/gank someone with your orb effect arrows you dont get any lifesteal. In all honesty that armlet should not be there and an yasha should be in its place. If you do that this guide will be much better and actually playable. you should also try to put more detail including maybe tactica or justifications instead of basically shoving a build at us and insisting that this is the best thing ever even though it sure isnt.

I'm not a fan of this build, but you shouldn't have you orb on at all times. Basically, if you have lifesteal (which the only reason I ever get a HotD is for ancient stacking, after that I ditch it) you should use your frost arrows every 3 or so attacks. Just enough so that it doesn't ware off.
SuperNova (16) | September 4, 2012 7:54am
Just tested this guide out with me and my other 2 friends in seperate games. failed completely, alpha wolf died first ALWAYS as enemy players knew about its aura. it doesnt stack with frost arrows so when your trying to chase/gank someone with your orb effect arrows you dont get any lifesteal. In all honesty that armlet should not be there and an yasha should be in its place. If you do that this guide will be much better and actually playable. you should also try to put more detail including maybe tactica or justifications instead of basically shoving a build at us and insisting that this is the best thing ever even though it sure isnt.
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