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get Arcane Boot & Heart of Terrasque
early game: just support but dont forget to get arcane boot + urn of shadow
mid game: after get HOT , go for Hyperstone then gank
Late Game: straight to boot of travel cause Tide hard to escape + blink dagger might be ok
* can be one of the best hero in teamfight i've ever use...
what do you think? any other ideas?
What do I think? Hell no,
get Arcane Boot & Heart of Terrasque
early game: just support but dont forget to get arcane boot + urn of shadow
mid game: after get HOT , go for Hyperstone then gank
Late Game: straight to boot of travel cause Tide hard to escape + blink dagger might be ok
* can be one of the best hero in teamfight i've ever use...
what do you think? any other ideas?
Where do you get all that farm if you're supporting?
early game: just support but dont forget to get arcane boot + urn of shadow
mid game: after get HOT , go for Hyperstone then gank
Late Game: straight to boot of travel cause Tide hard to escape + blink dagger might be ok
* can be one of the best hero in teamfight i've ever use...
what do you think? any other ideas?
The reason being that another level of gush gives you is +50 damage and -1 armour (everything else i.e. duration and CD stays the same). The damage is almost negligible and you'd do more damage by auto attacking and -1 armour comes out to about a 2-2.5% increase in you and your team's attacks and at level 3 that'd be like what? another 1ish points of damage (here I'm just going off what tide's attack will be at level 3)?
Now if you anchor smash not only will you do more damage (75 but possibly a potential 150 if you hit both heroes) but you'll help your team mates (including creeps) tank that much more damage during a gank attempt.
One additional point that got me confused is that according to your guide you're just pulling jungle and not really spending that much time int the actual lane in the early game therefore why don't you put aside kraken for later levels (e.g.4-5)?
Since you wanted me to check your guide out I will. There aren't many ways to really play tide, and it's hard to pick the wrong way so tide is very new-player friendly. Very effective to.
You've basically covered how to play tide. +1, I would add Urn to items though, as a possibility. Tide makes a good ganker, and urn gives you mana regen, health, as well as a strong early game heal for use between ganks.
Yeah I find that Urn works well with tide. Played a game last night and I also had Mek, arcane boots and pipe of insight, a walking regen/shield giver haha. We decimated the competition. All of this with only like 20 last hits and 5 kills. Assists through the roof though. Like 30-33 I believe.
If you are leveling up and farming some boots in lane or just harassing those melee carries then go for anchor smash all the way, there you will be spamming a lot.
And completely agree with the fact that early you will use your ulti to shut down one or two enemy heroes don't hesitate to use your ulti early is as important as to use it late game on big battles.
I don't quite get your point with the skill build tho.
Why wouldn't you just go for a lvl 1 gush and max anchor smash instead? I mean, neither duration nor the amount of the slow scale, and Leveling E is much more spammable damage and it's more mana efficient, isn't it?
This is a very good guide for Tide, but as people have said, drum is also a good item on him. Also if you plan on ganking with him then Urn of Shadows is a good item on him.